Discover God's Heart DevotionalSampel

Discover God's Heart Devotional


God, the Love-Rich

God’s Story

Psalm 140: Evil men have set a trap for the psalmist — they plan to trip his feet. He asks God to protect him and make their plans fail.

Psalm 141: The psalmist wants his praise to be like the evening sacrifice. He asks God to guard his words and help him to have no part in wicked deeds.

Psalm 142: Hiding in a cave, with enemies pursuing him and plotting against him, David cries out to God — his “portion in the land of the living.”

Psalm 143: The psalmist prays, “Rescue me from my enemies, Lord, for I hide myself in You. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; may Your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”

Psalm 144: David needs God, his warrior. He knows that God gives victory to kings and that the people whose God is the Lord are blessed.

Psalm 145: The psalmist exalts his God, the King. He is good to all, faithful to His promises and compassionate toward everything He has made. “Let every creature praise His holy name forever and ever.”

The King’s Heart

“The Lord is . . . rich in love” (Psalm 145:8).

God is love-rich. There’s no shortage of love when it comes to God. We can drain the love-bank of the people in our lives — our brokenness and dysfunction making their love run thin. But that never happens with the Lord. He loves, loves and spills out more love. And if the infinite God is rich, He is rich indeed.

But the abundance of God’s love doesn’t make it less precious. We have a tendency to think that when there’s a lot of something, it’s less valuable because it’s common. Oh, God loves everybody, we think. And we treat His love as common, stiff-arming it from reaching our hearts.

But that’s not the way things work in God’s economy. God has paved the streets of heaven with gold — earth’s most precious metal. That’s a lot of gold in a common place, but the quantity doesn’t decrease its value. Gold is still the most precious of metals. God’s home is lavishly filled with earth’s greatest treasure. Because He chose it to be that way.

So it is with the love of God. It is abundant, it is infinite, and it is precious. God loves everyone, yes. But He loves you. Richly.


Many of the Psalms allude to spending intentional time with God in the morning (see Psalm 5:3; 59:16; 143:8). The psalmists valued starting the day with their Friend.

Hari 7Hari 9

Perihal Pelan

Discover God's Heart Devotional

These reading passages are designed to help you discover just what it means to be loved by an awesome God. Taken from the NIV Discover God's Heart Bible, they are designed to help you explore the verses that give us insight into God’s heart. These 21 daily readings will also illuminate ways in which you can grow closer to God as you learn more about the Scriptures.
