Luke 21:36
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“But watch ye, at aʼ times, makin supplication that ye may hae strenth to escape aʼ thae things that are comin to pass, and to staun afore the Son oʼ Man.”
Selidiki Luke 21:36
Luke 21:34
“But tak ye tent to yere sels! that yere hearts be‐na owercome wiʼ debauch and druckenness, and fash aboot this life, and that day come on ye aʼ at ance, as a snare.
Selidiki Luke 21:34
Luke 21:19
“But patiently thole, and mainteen yere sauls.
Selidiki Luke 21:19
Luke 21:15
“For I wull gie ye a mooth and wyssheid that no ane oʼ thae settin their sels again ye sal be fit to staun up again!
Selidiki Luke 21:15
Luke 21:33
“The heevens and the yirth sal gang, but my words sal in naegate fail!
Selidiki Luke 21:33
Luke 21:25-27
“And thar sal be signs iʼ the mune and the starns; and on the yirth pangs and troubles iʼ the nations; sea and billows soondin: “Men swarfin for fear and dreid oʼ the things owertakin aʼ the yirth! for the pooers oʼ the heevens sal be cuisten doon. “And than sal they see the Son oʼ Man comin in a clud, wiʼ aʼ his pooer and glorie!
Selidiki Luke 21:25-27
Luke 21:17
“And yeʼse be hatit by aʼ men, for my nameʼs sake
Selidiki Luke 21:17
Luke 21:11
“And eke great yirdins, and plagues, and famines wull thar be; unco things oʼ dreid, and great tokens iʼ the lift wull thar be.
Selidiki Luke 21:11
Luke 21:9-10
“And, whan ye may hear oʼ wars and tulzies, be‐ye‐na fleyʼt; for thir things maun come aboot; but the end is no belyve.” Than said he to them, “Nation wull rise again nation, and kingdom again kingdom
Selidiki Luke 21:9-10
Luke 21:25-26
“And thar sal be signs iʼ the mune and the starns; and on the yirth pangs and troubles iʼ the nations; sea and billows soondin: “Men swarfin for fear and dreid oʼ the things owertakin aʼ the yirth! for the pooers oʼ the heevens sal be cuisten doon.
Selidiki Luke 21:25-26
Luke 21:10
Than said he to them, “Nation wull rise again nation, and kingdom again kingdom
Selidiki Luke 21:10
Luke 21:8
And he said, “Tak tent that ye be‐na misleared! for a hantle wull come iʼ my name sayin, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time has come!’ — Gang‐ye‐na eftir them!
Selidiki Luke 21:8
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