When God Thinks of You He Smilesनमुना

Way of Life
God is faithful to lead his children through life. He doesn’t want you to commit your life to him and then figure everything out on your own. As you follow him, he becomes your prize, your pleasure, and your portion. One of the greatest joys of the Christian life is consistent, lifegiving communion with the one who made you. He can satisfy the longings of your heart. He is overwhelmingly good and consistently gracious. In his presence you will find true joy and realize that being with him is what you were made for.
In a society bent on the pursuit of personal happiness, remember that God’s presence is the only place to find true joy. Any other good thing will only bring temporary satisfaction. You’ve probably experienced the euphoria of getting something you want only to quickly divert your attention to something else completely. You were not created to manufacture happiness. Instead, you were created to experience the goodness of knowing the God of the entire universe. In him you will find the fulfillment of your deepest desires.
You were created to know God throughout every season of your life. Run into his courts with praise and follow him as he guides you on the path which he himself has laid out for you. It is a good path, planned for your benefit, and there is joy in his fellowship along the way. His path for you leads to eternal life. A day is coming when you will experience the pleasure of living with him forever. Until then, he will never leave you or forsake you. He wants to be your constant help and companion through every single one of your days.
Don’t deprive yourself of the goodness he has planned for you today. Turn your heart toward him and acknowledge that he is the best leader you could possibly have. Submit to his plans for your life and willingly follow wherever he leads you. You can trust him even when you’re unsure of your next steps.
पवित्र शास्त्र
या योजनेविषयी

God’s love goes infinitely beyond anything you can fathom. You have been adopted into his family, and you are safe in his care. Each small step of faith brings him great joy. He created you for relationship with him, and he loves to hear your voice and your thoughts. As you dwell on God’s promises over the next seven days, remember that he is thinking about you and smiling.