The Mended Rib: A 27-Day Devotional for Men Battling Lust and Infidelityनमुना

It’s Time For Real Fulfillment
One of the main reasons men often fall into lust and infidelity is that they’re searching for satisfaction in all the wrong places. Lust promises fulfillment, but it always leaves you feeling emptier than before, craving more. The reality is that true fulfillment can only come from Christ, who alone satisfies the deepest longings of the heart. Physical pleasure, attention, or validation from others may seem to offer what you’re looking for, but they will never fill the void that only a deep relationship with God can satisfy.
For years, I sought fulfillment in fleeting attention and shallow compliments, thinking they would validate me and meet my needs. But time and time again, I was left feeling more empty and unsatisfied, as the temporary pleasures faded quickly. What I thought would give me worth only deepened the void inside.
Yet, in His grace, God began a powerful transformation in my life. He gave me beauty for ashes, taking my insecurities and replacing them with a confidence rooted in Him. As I grew closer to God, I rediscovered true fulfillment, not only in my relationship with Christ but also in the love and joy of my wife. This journey showed me that only Christ can fill the void that lust and false pleasures leave behind. When I stopped seeking validation in the world and turned to God, I found the lasting satisfaction my heart had longed for all along.
Today, spend 10 minutes in quiet prayer or reading scripture, asking God to fill the empty places in your heart. Seek satisfaction in Him, not in temporary pleasures.
God, I recognize that only You can truly satisfy the longings of my heart. Help me to turn to You for fulfillment and not seek it in things that leave me empty. Amen.
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Through this 27-day devotional, Don Hopkins leads you on a journey toward healing—healing for you, your wife, and your marriage. Each day is designed to lead you closer to freedom, redemption, and reconciliation. I won’t sugarcoat it: the road ahead requires honesty, humility, and hard work. But as you lean into the tools shared in this bible plan and God’s grace, you will discover that He provides the strength to overcome lust and rebuild trust in your marriage.