My Focus Is Eternityनमुना

My Focus Is Eternity

DAY 9 OF 10

We are called not to conform to the patterns of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. The world constantly bombards us with its values, priorities, and pressures, often at odds with God's will. This conformity can draw us away from our faith, obscure our vision of eternity, and make us focus on temporary things.

The transformation that God calls us to experience is not superficial; it is a deep renewal of our minds and hearts. This process of renewal enables us to discern and live according to God's will, which is good, pleasing, and perfect. It is through this transformation that we become more aligned with God's eternal purposes instead of being swept away by the fleeting currents of this world.

For this transformation to happen, we need to identify and distance ourselves from the worldly influences shaping our lives. This can include entertainment, culture, social expectations, or even thought patterns that are not in line with God's Word. By continually exposing ourselves to Scripture, prayer, and Christian community, we renew our minds and align more fully with God's will.

Reflect on the worldly influences that may be shaping your life. Ask yourself: What has been shaping my thoughts, values, and behaviors? How can I replace these influences with God's truths? Make a commitment to seek this transformation by dedicating more time to Bible reading, prayer, and fellowship with other believers.

Prayer: Lord, transform my mind and heart so that I may live according to Your will. Help me not to conform to the patterns of this world but to be renewed by Your truth. May my life reflect Your eternal purposes and perfect will. In Jesus' name, amen.

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About this Plan

My Focus Is Eternity

When we live only in the present, we can forget that the foundation of Christ is eternity. We may focus on the future but not on eternity. Often, this results in people without a future and without eternity. We must feed on the Bread of Life and know the Resurrection to prepare ourselves for eternal life.
