What About Me?!नमुना

What About Me?!

DAY 7 OF 10

This Means War!

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering,andsteadfast spirit within me.

Psalm 51:10 (AMPC)

I’ve found that anything worth having requires determination. As I mentioned earlier, we certainly can’t do anything without God’s help (John 15:5). However, we also have a part to play.

Our main goal as followers of Christ is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:37–40). But this is impossible to do if we are filled with selfishness and do nothing to combat it and give it the right to dominate our lives.

Defeating selfishness requires change, and sadly, not all Christians are interested in changing. I recently read part of an article about a pastor who quit the ministry after 10 years. He said the main reason he quit was that, in his experience, he saw that most Christians don’t want to grow. They want to go to church and simply be told they are doing well where they are. He said they want to be comforted, encouraged, and told they are loved, but they don’t want to be told they need to grow spiritually. This is so sad, and I believe it is part of the reason the church is not having the impact it should have in the world.

Defeating selfishness takes determination because, like pride, it is a powerful and relentless force. To be determined means to make a firm, quality decision and be resolved to follow through. Think about it this way: It’s easy to go on a diet on Sunday evening right after dinner, but what happens about noon the next day when hunger sets in? People who are determined don’t change their mind about their decisions. They press through difficulties and go all the way through to the finish line.

In Psalm 51:10 David prays that God will “renew a right, persevering and steadfast spirit” in him. Endurance, perseverance, effort, determination, relentlessness, steadfastness. These words are the character qualities we need to achieve any goal that is worth pursuing.

I am determined to finish the race God has set before me. At times, this requires pressing through difficult circumstances, but I am determined, and that determination is like fuel that keeps me going. What are you determined to do?

Adapted from the book What About Me? by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2024 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Let’s Pray: “God, I sincerely want to keep changing and growing. Show me where I need to change and help me to work diligently with the Holy Spirit to get the job done. Please give me a holy determination to never give up until I see Your promises come to pass in my life. I am counting on You to transform me through Your Word and by Your Spirit. And I am so thankful that You are going to do just that. Amen.”

Family Activity: Make It Official! Make a family “Declaration of Independence to Selfishness” and have each family member sign it (John Hancock style). Tape it to the fridge or another place around the house where it will be seen by everyone daily.

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About this Plan

What About Me?!

Let’s be honest…we all ask, “What about me?” But could you be sabotaging your own progress by focusing on the wrong things? Joyce Meyer’s free, 10-day study—filled with fun lessons and activities for the entire family—is just what you need to refocus and find more satisfaction than you thought possible. Discover the joy of an unselfish life!
