Healing From Trauma: The Science & the Scripturesनमुना

Healing From Trauma: The Science & the Scriptures

DAY 5 OF 6

To truly break free from the bondage of trauma, we have to change the messaging that trauma wired in our brain. Messages like we are unloved, not enough, broken, damaged, and so much more.

God knows that the greatest battles we would experience are going to be in the mind. That’s why he calls us to put on the helmet of salvation - to put on Christ himself to guard our mind. It’s why he instructs us to take thoughts captive and put them in obedience to Christ.

And what’s cool is that the emerging work in neuroplasticity shows how God designed our brains to make this possible!

The Science: Neuroplasticity reveals how we can create new neural pathways of thinking and weaken other pathways of thinking. So when the thought “I’m too broken” comes, we can call it out and replace it with the truth of God’s word - that we are a NEW creation, God’s masterpiece designed for good works. As we repeat biblical truth (scripture memorization is great for this), we strengthen those neural pathways until they are strong enough to be more predominant than the old way of thinking.

The Scripture: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

It can be hard to cut through the noise of trauma and see God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will. But he made this possible and gave us the manual on how to do it. He has shown us how we can become set apart from the world by renewing our minds. By taking control of our thoughts and meditating on that which is pure, lovely, admirable, and praiseworthy.

Try this exercise for yourself: List the lies that are recurring in your thoughts. Search the scripture for Biblical truth and rewrite those thoughts in a way that reflects God’s truth. Say this new list of thoughts out loud to yourself daily, and see how your mind begins to be renewed.

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