Level Upनमुना

Level Up

DAY 8 OF 9

Humble Yourself

Humility is defined as "the quality or state of being humble." It is also a "modest or low view of one’s own importance." Most importantly humility is being "free from pride and arrogance." Today we are also adding to the definition of humility, ‘the acknowledgement that we need God for every aspect of our lives’

Pridefulness is sneaky and can rear its head in any and every situation. It will sometimes be clear as day that you are dealing with a prideful heart, not wanting to say sorry when in the wrong, brashly bragging and boasting or being unteachable because you know it all. But we must open our eyes to the areas in our heart where pride is working behind the scenes, clouding our thoughts, dictating our speech and governing our actions - in the everyday motion of life. When we fail to acknowledge God, we fail to lean on God or we fail to submit to God. This is what pride looks like in the life of a believer. God resists the proud!

As everything becomes like clockwork, we end up living a life without Him - while saying we are living for Him. But we must get back to basics and acknowledge that there is no area of our lives, big or small, that we do not need God! To parent the fussy toddler or the tough teenager we need God, to use the 24 hours in the day efficiently we need God, to deal with the demanding client and produce the deliverables, we need God - He is everything we need and can be in everything if we humble ourselves to Him and His plan.

When was the last (or first) time you woke up and asked God to lead you today, you submitted totally to His direction even with a to-do list as long as your arm? There is a place where grace will flow towards you like water, it always flows downhill and seeks the lowest levels to strengthen, nourish and quench all that it encounters.

Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane was in agony as He said to the disciples “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow”. He cried to His Father and pleaded for the cup of suffering to be taken from Him but Jesus humbled himself and said “Yet not as I will, but as you will”. I believe Jesus received a flow of grace to complete His assignment when He humbled himself. Jesus came to this earth fully aware of God’s plan for redemption of His people yet still it was hard, He had the weight of this world on His shoulders but still humbled Himself. You and I do not know what our tomorrow holds, just like Jesus we have to trust the God who knows the full plan and wants to grace us as we humble ourselves before Him.

In this life there is only one hack you need, humble yourself to the Father. We need Him. So let your week be one filled with an abundance of God’s grace as you humble your heart, mind and soul to Him.

दिवस 7दिवस 9

About this Plan

Level Up

This devotional was written to help us as believers level up! As we walk our journey with Christ we may reach a point where we need to progress and advance and step up in devotion to God - if this is where you are then this devotional is for you!
