The 5 Second Rule by Anthony Thompsonनमुना

The 5 Second Rule by Anthony Thompson

DAY 2 OF 3

Day 2: Working Hard for God's Glory

Mel Robbins Quote: "You're never going to feel like doing the things that are hard, difficult, or uncertain, but you can't wait until you feel like it."

Scripture: Colossians 3:23 - "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."

I absolutely love this quote from Mel, and I love what Paul writes even more. As I was thinking about doing things that were hard, so many stories from the scriptures came to mind.

As I’m typing, my imagination goes to Times Square in New York City. I can see so clearly a giant LED screen that reads, “Faith Over Fear.” Doing hard things is scary.

I can remember when I was first starting one of my businesses and I was afraid to reach out to people because I didn’t like hearing “No”. I feared man, and it kept me in a nice, small, comfortable bubble.

I lived in that bubble for quite some time. I wanted so badly to get out of the bubble, but I was too afraid to get out. So, I remained and was frustrated with my life.

I say this to clients all the time, “Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.”

Let’s pause there for a moment. What about you? What area of your life are you afraid to confront and change?

What is the Lord speaking to you right now? What needs to change? Why are you afraid?

Take some time to reflect, and then I want to remind you of a few people in the scriptures who did some hard things.

You know what’s hard - telling your boss, CEO, or leader of the free world that you have an idea, and you know it conflicts with their ideals.

Welcome to the story of Nehemiah. He was not only a cupbearer to a secular king, but he shared his vision for Jerusalem.

He could have lost his job or been killed - but God intervened for him. Nehemiah was working for the Lord and not unto man. Nehemiah was on a mission.

Not only did Nehemiah receive support from the king, but he continued doing hard things by rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. He faced huge opposition, yet he continued until the wall was fully rebuilt.

You know who else was terrified and did hard things - Gideon.

The nation of Israel was in so much fear that when God appeared to Gideon, he was threshing wheat in a winepress. He was so scared of his food being stolen that he hid in the winepress.

What I love about the story of Gideon is that he talks so much like you and I.

When the Lord calls him out, Gideon is like (I’ll paraphrase a bit here), “You want me Lord? I’m like the weakest guy out here. I’m not very talented. I’m broke. I don’t have anything to lead anybody.”

Gideon gives you and me a masterclass in excuses. If you have ever made an excuse to do something - read the story of Gideon in Judges 6.

However, the Lord helped grow his faith. Gideon began to become bolder and bolder. He continued to do hard things. He continued to work for the Lord.

This man, who thought he was worthless, became the most valuable leader in all of Israel. Gideon obeyed. Gideon did hard things like tearing down the altars of Baal while using his father’s prized bull to make the sacrifice.

Could you even imagine doing something like that to your father?

As you continue to follow the story of Gideon, each hard thing becomes easier. He realizes more and more that the Lord is with him, and he continues.

What about you? Do you ever feel like Gideon? The lowest of low, worthless, and no clue how God could use you?

What if you took some time with the Lord now and asked Him about you and your life?

Is there anything you are avoiding that you know you need to do?

Are you making any excuses to the Lord? What are they?

What is a small step you can do right now to move you in the right direction?

I could go on and on about hard things in the Bible. The Bible is hard. Faith is hard. That is why we need Jesus.

If you could do it on your own - He wouldn’t have sent the Holy Spirit.

This just hit me. What area in your life do you need to submit to the Holy Spirit?

What are you holding onto? What if you let it go?

I really sense the Lord is doing some big things in some of you right now. I believe this is a significant season for you.

There is nothing more important than spending time in the presence of God. I encourage you to do just that today.

Don’t just breeze through this and check the box. Don’t just be consumers - be ye doers of the Word.

Affirmation: "I am disciplined and focused on achieving my goals as unto the Lord."

Prayer: Lord, when work feels tough, remind me I'm doing it for You. Help me to give it my all and keep pushing. I need you now more than ever.

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The 5 Second Rule by Anthony Thompson

The 5 Second Rule: A 3-Day Devotional by Anthony Thompson masterfully combines Mel Robbins' empowering strategies with profound Biblical insights. This engaging devotional navigates through courage, perseverance, and transformative thinking, blending Robbins' renowned 5-Second Rule with scriptural wisdom. Anthony's compelling narrative encourages readers to harness faith and decisiveness in everyday life. Perfect for those seeking spiritual growth alongside actionable life changes.
