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Who Are You and Why Are You Here?नमुना

Who Are You and Why Are You Here?

5 पैकी 5 दिवस

Why Are You Here?

“Go! And preach, ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand,’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, kick out the demons and touch the untouchables. Why? Because freely we have received and freely we give.” Matthew 10:7-8

Why are we here? What is our ultimate purpose? Hopefully the previous devotions have instilled the fact that our identity and our purpose is intertwined. Our purpose is birthed from our identity, not the reversal. If we sit in the position of sonship but are not about our Father’s business, we have not embraced the true identity of a son. Therefore, our faith is mute. We are living out James 2:17, “Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” To really know God and experience His insurmountable love is to respond by loving Him and obeying His commandments (John 14:15).

Excitement and joy in joining God in His purposes resides in the hearts of God’s children. We get to be an expression of Him on the earth. My favorite verse is Colossians 1:27, “And this is the mystery of the gospel, the good news of the Kingdom of God, Christ in you, the Hope of Glory!”

While doing PrayGround (our way of setting an atmosphere where children readily encounter God.), I asked a question about how the God who holds all the universes in the palm of His hand can come in our little being? We got various answers. But one little guy was really contemplating the question. Finally, he spoke up, “I know, Ms. Callie, it’s a great mystery!” I realized and told him he had just quoted Colossians 1:27. Then I asked him, “What is a mystery?” “It’s when you have a question, you just don’t have the answer to.” Wow! Such wisdom from a child.

Walking with God is a great mystery. If we settle into that fact, walking with God becomes a fun adventure. There are something’s we won’t understand. Understanding all of Him would require faith in the fact that we carry the presence of Jesus into the world around us. If we walk acknowledging that we are the temple of God everything around us changes. We listen and obey more consistently. Our presence alone can literally change the atmosphere. No one carries the Spirit of Christ like I do, like you do, with our individual personality and experiences. One of our main purposes is to have faith that carries Christ as we go!

As sons and daughters we have the opportunity to expand the family by going and making disciples. (Matthew 28:19 - 20) A disciple follows so close that the dust from the master’s footsteps gets on his or her clothes. We get to enter into relationships with others and help them walk in His footsteps.

Then, Matthew 10:7-8 instructs us that, AS we GO, we preach that the Kingdom of God is at hand. The Kingdom is tangible through us! But we not only speak of Christ and His Kingdom but we demonstrate it by healing the sick, raising the dead, kicking out the demons and touching the untouchables (in scripture the untouchables are lepers),

The question is why? Because freely we have received and freely we give. We are secure in His love for us and we love Him with our whole heart. We are confident that He is the one working through us to change atmospheres, touch lives. Is this exhausting? Our purpose is wrapped in Whose we are and Who we are, so we live our purpose WITH Him. We are living in two positions in the Kingdom. We are sitting in Him, receiving from Him, in identity as joint heirs in authority. We are going, carrying His presence, making disciples (expanding the family), and demonstrating the Kingdom. What a beautiful adventure! What a beautiful life!


Learn the chant on the video below. For one week, start each day with this chant. As you step out your door, declare out loud that everything changes NOW, because you carry Christ. No one carries Christ like you, with your personality and experiences. Each evening record about your day.

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दिवस 4