Purpose Over Pensionनमुना

Purpose Over Pension

DAY 7 OF 7

Day 7: Commitment to Excellence

Opening Prayer:

Loving Father, today I thank you for the opportunity to serve in my school community. Help me to remain committed to excellence in my work, pursuing growth and improvement. May my dedication and passion reflect Your glory and inspire others. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.


Think about the importance of striving for excellence in your role at your school. Gain influence through setting high standards for yourself and your students, and the example it sets for others will speak volumes. Often we can get ourselves stuck in the thought that God only moves in our lives in large ways. While that can be the case, we should be in tune with the fact that God also moves in the small things. Making an effort to be intentional in the small tasks allows us to be trusted with the bigger ones that will come our way. We can lean into the presence of God by worshiping through each task we face daily. When we are intentional in every small area of our lives we will eventually reach a point where we can turn around and see the large impact God has been able to have through our diligence and consistency. This could be reflected in a student relationship that has improved over time, learning a new skill for the classroom you didn’t have before, growing in your passion through dedicating yourself every chance you get, or even just seeing your own organizational abilities improve. Recognize the opportunity to glorify God through your commitment to excellence and then give the glory to Him when you are able to look back and see how you have grown. This example of leadership and hard work will speak volumes to others, not through your bragging or telling them what you are doing, but through your evidence of dedication and commitment. We are all constant works in progress and there is nobody that has mastered the things of this world outside of God, so give yourself the grace to be able to fail and learn from those failures so that you may grow to live your life to the fullest. Excellence is earned through a passion and desire to get better. We are not called to live selfishly, but to live our lives growing and learning together. Strive for excellence.

Prayer Focus:

Pray for a continued commitment to excellence in your work. Ask God to help you set and achieve goals that contribute to the growth and development of your students as well as the school community. Pray for the courage to persevere in times of challenge and the humility to seek continuous improvement.

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, thank you for guiding me through this prayer devotional. I pray that the lessons I have learned and the insights gained will bear fruit in my daily work in my school community. Help me to remember that my calling is more than a job—it is an opportunity to serve you, make a positive impact on the lives of others, and create future world changers. May your presence go with me as I continue this journey. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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