The Prodigal's Returnनमुना

The Prodigal's Return

DAY 24 OF 29

These Three Things

Kim Harmon

[Psalm 119:105 NIV] Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. [James 5:16 NIV] Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. [Hebrews 10:25 NIV] Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

There are three simple things we can do to follow Christ. Read God’s word. Pray. Go to church. We try to make it complicated. We cannot hear God’s voice speaking to us because we have not hidden God’s word in our hearts. We carry the weight of the world because we have not laid it down in prayer. We feel alone because we have not established relationships in a church.

God has given the Bible, His word. All we have to do is read it. I enjoy reading the Bible in the Message, a translation written by a man who routinely read his Bible in Hebrew and Greek text. There are many translations and paraphrases. Find one easy to read and understand for you. EVERY time you read God’s word, He will speak to your heart. Do you want to hear from the master of the universe? Read His word. Do you need peace and guidance? Read His word. It does not take long until the words will be hidden in your heart and readily available when you need them. You’ll say, “Thank you, God, for talking to me.”

My oldest daughter Taylor was with me one day going to see my dad in the hospital. We had been in a hurry to go as the situation was serious. Taylor said, “Mah, I need to pray. I mean on-my-knees pray.” She says this is how she starts every day because it gets the day off to a better start. She has told me often when I fret over a concern, “Mah, have you prayed?” I’ll say, “Yes.” She says, “Then lay it down.” What a wonderful reminder that we can lay our burdens down because the Almighty God is listening.

Many excuse themselves from attending church by saying, “Churches are full of sinners and hypocrites.” Churches are also full of very loving people. Find one that is right for you and find a small group to connect with. Most church people are trying to walk this road, too, and can be great friendships for sharing all that is good and bad in life. They can lift you in prayer and you can return the favor by lifting them in prayer. Also, we all need a friend. The right church is the best place to find true and genuine friendships.

Want a better relationship with God? Read the Bible. Pray. Go to church.

God, I want to hear from you. I want to commit to these three things so I can hear Your voice. I need your direction and guidance in my life. Amen.

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