Loving the Other: Jesus Revolutionनमुना

Loving the Other: Jesus Revolution

DAY 7 OF 7

It Happened Before. It Can Happen Again

A charismatic hippie and a disheartened small church pastor became friends. As a result, thousands of people turned to Christ. Can this type of revival happen again? See what Joel Courtney, who plays Greg Laurie, thinks in this short 25-second clip.

Did Chuck Smith know what God would do when he took a simple step of faith to open his doors to those different from him? Probably not. He just took the next step of faith. Simple acts of faithful obedience can lead to life-changing encounters.

In Luke 5, Peter and his friends fished all night and caught nothing. Later that day, Jesus told him to go out to deep water and cast his net. It seemed like a simple request, but Peter knew that nighttime (not daytime) was the best time to catch fish. Peter’s response? “Because you say so, I will let down the nets” (Luke 5:5). The result was that they caught so many fish that their nets broke, and their boats began to sink. An overwhelming response to a simple act of obedience.

Can Jesus again spark a revolution as He did in the 1970s? He certainly can. It starts with simple, faithful acts of obedience from His followers. What is that act for you? Asking others for forgiveness? Inviting someone to church? Going into an uncomfortable or hostile environment to be a light for Christ? Step out in faith and see what God may do.

Application Questions:

  • Where do you need to take a faithful step of faith?
  • Look back on your own life. Where have you seen God respond to a step of faith? Do you believe He can do it again through you?

Plan Summary

In the middle of Proverbs 22, there is a powerful verse. It is almost as if Solomon called a time out to remind the reader why he gives these life lessons. It says, “I am teaching you today — yes, you — so you will trust in the Lord” (NLT). That is it. God uses life lessons to build our trust. Our prayer is that these seven days spent learning about the Jesus Revolution have been a reminder to do that — to increase your trust in Him.

Congratulations on completing “Loving the Other: Jesus Revolution.” Making Your Life Count has other YouVersion Bible App plans to cover the four areas of WALK, PRAY, CARE, and SHARE. For another plan, we recommend, Listen, Connect and Help.

In addition to the Bible App (YouVersion), we offer some very specific ways you can use a film like this to talk to others about Jesus. Please visit “Making Your Life Count” by clicking the “Take Action” link below to learn more.

Take Action

Go to https://mailchi.mp/mylc/loving-the-other-jesus-revolution

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About this Plan

Loving the Other: Jesus Revolution

Is it hard for you to love people who are not like you? Or do you sometimes feel like you don't fit in? Jesus understands the challenge. Yet, He loved others no matter what they looked like, believed, or experienced. This powerful message continues to change lives. JESUS REVOLUTION is the story of the 70's generation embracing Jesus' kind of love. It can happen again today, starting with you.
