Dearest Daughter: Motherly Advice for Moms Who Need Motheringनमुना

Dearest Daughter: Motherly Advice for Moms Who Need Mothering

DAY 1 OF 7

Day One: God Will Lead You

Dearest Daughter,

Do you feel overwhelmed because you don’t know how to have a Christian home?

I know how you feel, dear one.

My childhood was difficult and filled with trauma. I didn’t grow up in a Christian home and desperately wanted a different life for my kids than the one I had as a child. I felt lost and alone because I had no idea what to do. Then I started asking God for help.

I remember going into my daughter's room, night after night, kneeling beside her bed, and crying out to God. This happened so many nights that I started leaving little knee marks on the carpet; I was so desperate.

And you know what? God answered me. He is so good! He simply said, “Spend time with me, Deb.” And so I did.

I started getting up 15-30 minutes earlier in the morning to read my Bible and pray. I tiptoed so I wouldn’t wake anyone in the house, but sometimes one of my children would wake up. At first, I got frustrated, but then I started putting them in the high chair with a snack and letting them watch a video to get my time with Jesus.

These times with the Lord became so precious to me.

Day after day, and one quiet time at a time, God began leading me in how to create a Christian home. Our home was never perfect, but for the most part, it was peaceful and filled with wisdom and the joy of the Lord.

Now, I look back on those quiet times and feel so grateful. This little habit changed my life and can also change your life. If you feel blind and like your way is rocky and unknown, turn to Jesus and ask Him for help. He will do it; He WILL help you. You are not alone!

Pray with me...

Jesus, I need You. I need Your wisdom and your help. Give me time each day to spend with You. Help me to do what You tell me to do. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

I love you, my precious daughter. I’m praying for you today.


Mama Deb (your second mama)

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About this Plan

Dearest Daughter: Motherly Advice for Moms Who Need Mothering

Mama, do you need mothering? Are you facing your mothering years feeling lost and alone without a Christian mom capable of speaking into your life? Join your second mama, Deb (Help Club for Moms Founder), for godly advice, encouragement, and motherly love from a fellow mom who also needed mothering.
