The Gospels - Manनमुना
Jesus wasn’t floating around earth like a glowing angel, He was a real person, flesh and blood just like you and me. It is easy to believe that Jesus was 50% God and 50% man, but that is not the case. Jesus was both 100% God and 100% Man all at the same time. Fully God, fully man. Jesus came for us, to rescue people from sin. To do that, Jesus became flesh and blood just like us.
Jesus entered the world as little newborn baby and He grew up just like you and me. He didn’t instantly become an adult and His public teaching and ministry didn’t begin until He was 30 years old. The Bible doesn’t tell us much about what Jesus was like from 0-30 years old, we don’t know too much about His childhood at all.
Do you think Jesus got detention as a kid? Or would He have been a perfect student? What the Bible does tell us in a short passage in Luke chapter 2, is that Jesus spent time in the temple courts learning all about the scriptures from the teachers, growing in His wisdom.
पवित्र शास्त्र
या योजनेविषयी
Discover the person of Jesus through the lens of the four Gospels. Jesus was fully God and fully man. Jesus gives us an example to follow. Jesus understands my whole world.