Book By Book 1: Genesis To 2 Samuelनमुना

Book By Book 1: Genesis To 2 Samuel

DAY 1 OF 89

This year we are going to be reading chapters out of the Bible that will hopefully give us an overview of the story of the Bible. Along the way, I hope to provide some comments that will help with understanding or filling in the gaps for the chapters we will not be reading.

The author of Genesis is not given, but for those who believe the Bible to be God’s Word, it is generally thought to be written by Moses around 1400BC, based on various written and verbal sources and the guidance of the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). Moses was the leader of the Nation of Israel when the people were released after 400 years of slavery. They needed to be introduced to God and learn how to relate to Him. In ancient times people learned through example stories, not through explicit teaching. As with anyone, we learn more of someone’s character by watching their behavior.

Today we read about creation. Often this chapter is a source of controversy. Does God create everything in six literal days? How is there light before the sun exists? It’s important to realize that the Bible was written to tell people about God. It isn’t a science or history textbook. So regardless of your view of the literal nature of this chapter, it’s important to see what we are being taught about God. He is absolutely the One who brought it about so the Israelites were being taught not to believe all the stories about Egyptian gods and we shouldn’t believe the theories of things coming into existence all by themselves. Paul said in Romans 1:20, “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.” We also see that God creates humanity to be of special value within His creation; only humanity is in His image and given responsibility to rule over creation.

Ideas that come to mind about God from the creation story are that He is: powerful, orderly, creative, seeking satisfaction, a provider, and wants His creation to succeed. Perhaps you see some others.  

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About this Plan

Book By Book 1: Genesis To 2 Samuel

This part of the reading plan includes selected chapters from each book of the Bible from Genesis to 2 Samuel. Reading some of each book will give us insight into all of the Bible. We will discover that it contains both stories and instruction and will help us understand God and ourselves better.
