I Hate My Job!नमुना

I Hate My Job!

DAY 4 OF 5

Workplace Leaders

Unless you work alone, it is likely that there is a hierarchy in your place of work. Managers, leaders, supervisors, directors, bosses. Individuals who are set over others to ensure that everyone is looked after, and the work is being completed.

Whether you have a good relationship with your workplace leader/s or not, the Bible is clear about how we are to treat those who lead us in any capacity. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 NIV says this:

‘I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.’

So, in this context, for things to go peacefully for us at work, we are to pray for our workplace leaders. Rather than praying for their workload or responsibilities per se, it can be a good practice to go deeper and pray for your leaders’ character. This can look like praying that our leaders have the following attributes:

  • Wisdom

God says in His word that He will not be angry with us if we ask Him for wisdom (see James 1:5). I am sure He would not be mad at us for asking for wisdom for another either! For a workplace to function healthily, the leader/s need to have understanding – understanding of people and of the job at hand. Spend some time praying this over your workplace leader/s.

  • Peaceful

It can be fun to work in an environment that is energetic and innovative. But to work in a chaotic place is unnerving and can rob us of a sense of job security. Pray that your leader will cultivate a working environment that is peaceful and in order. Pray also that they have a peaceful disposition themselves.

  • Kind

Pray that your leaders lead with a kind heart. Pray for a leader that corrects with gentleness and patience, as the Bible instructs them to (see 2 Timothy 2:24). Pray for their emotional intelligence so that they can see what is going on in any given situation. Pray that they will be able to handle it with care and grace.

  • Open

Pray that your leader/s are approachable. At some stage or another we are going to collaborate, consult or check in with our leaders. Pray that your leader has an open spirit to receive innovative ideas, challenge and the like. Pray for a democratic workplace that flows from the top.

If we can commit to praying for our leaders, no doubt the health of our working environments will also improve.

Next Steps

List the members of staff that lead you in your workplace.

Develop a routine of praying for them. Perhaps it’s first thing on a Monday morning before the working week begins? Make it a habit to support your leaders in this way.

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About this Plan

I Hate My Job!

Some of us may love our jobs and have no workplace issues. Others of us may have a few struggles that we aim to address in this 5-day devotional. Whatever you’re facing at work, likely, you are not alone in it. Allow us to delve into five key areas of working life and provide you with some practical steps to start loving your job.
