How to Share Your Faith at Workनमुना

How to Share Your Faith at Work

DAY 1 OF 6

The suggestion that every Christian is called to share the gospel can be unsettling, especially since most of us don’t feel gifted as evangelists. Even more, the thought of having spiritual conversations with co-workers might cause some angst—for many understandable reasons. You might feel unprepared to answer the questions you fear they’ll throw at you. You might feel spiritual conversations are inappropriate for the workplace. You may be intimidated by hostile attitudes toward Christianity held by some co-workers. You may wonder if sharing your faith could create conflict and generate bad feelings with colleagues. You might feel unqualified because—well, you know your faith isn’t very exemplary at work.

What if we understood that being part of someone’s journey to faith in Jesus could begin with something as simple as having a cup of coffee with a colleague, encouraging someone who has had a rough week at work, or offering a helping hand to a boss or co-worker under stress? What if we truly believed Jesus’ words about sharing the gospel with others? For example:

  • What if we believed Jesus authorizes us to act on his behalf to fulfill our calling as his witnesses at work—that “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18)?
  • What if we were confident in Christ’s presence—that he is with us always and everywhere, in every situation (Matthew 28:20)?
  • What if, even in brief interactions and casual mentions of our faith, we knew the Holy Spirit was at work in the hearts and minds of people to “prove the world wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8)?
  • What if we knew we didn’t have to be perfect and say just the right things—that it was God’s work to draw people to himself—that “no one can come to me unless drawn by the Father” (John 6:44)?
  • What if we understood that simply doing a good job at work can turn on the light for co-workers “so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16)?


Do you believe these words from Scripture? Take a moment to read them again. Ask the Holy Spirit to make these words real to you.

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