The ABC's of a Faithful Lifeनमुना

The ABC's of a Faithful Life

DAY 4 OF 6

In what ways does the Bible benefit our lives?

Read Psalm 119:73–112

Most products of any kind come with an owner’s manual, giving us the instructions necessary to operate the product correctly, safely, and effectively. Without the manual, oftentimes figuring out how to make the product work is difficult and can even lead to some pretty disastrous outcomes. For instance, if you assumed that liquid dish soap could be used in a dishwasher, your assumption would not only cause your machine to work improperly, but it would also lead to a mound of unwanted bubbles (possibly through many washes to come!) and possibly damage the machine.

That same principle can be applied to the Bible. It is our owner’s manual written by the manufacturer (the One who created the product—us). Following the instructions laid out in the Scriptures allows us to live our best lives here on earth.

Yodh (yood)

  1. God never said we would be free of suffering if we chose to follow Him. What does he promise us?
  2. How can we be a witness in difficult times to those who may not know God or struggle with knowing whether or not He is real?

Kaph (cough)

  1. During trials and difficult times we inevitably endure, what hope do we find in Scripture?
  2. Biblical history reminds us that we share the same struggles with every generation. Why can we find comfort in God’s word?

Lamedh (llamed – accent on the first syllable)

  1. Why has God’s word benefited people throughout world history?
  2. How does God’s word preserve our lives, regardless of the opinions of others?

Mem (mame)

  1. We aren’t blessed by simply knowing God’s laws. What must we do in order to live a life that God can bless?

Nun (noon)

  1. Walking in God’s word is a commitment that doesn’t make life easy, but what does it bring to our lives when we honor that commitment?


Even in the most difficult times we experience this side of heaven, just like the psalmist, we can learn how to praise God and trust his perfect plan. We all have experience in struggles and difficulties. This life is hard at times! But just like the author of this psalm, we can find comfort and strength in God’s word. As believers our hope is found in Jesus Christ, and because of the faith we have placed in him as our Lord and Savior, we can “lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:1–2).

John Wesley: “I want to know one thing, the way to heaven: how to land safe on that happy shore. God himself has condescended to teach the way; for this very end he came from heaven. He has written it down in a book! Oh, give me that book! At any price, give me the book of God! I have it: here is knowledge enough for me. Let me be: ‘A man of one book.’”

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About this Plan

The ABC's of a Faithful Life

If we are sincere in our study of God’s holy Scriptures, God will enlighten our minds with his truth. When God reveals his truth to us, we gain a deeper love for Him and a greater understanding of his ways. Shouldn’t everyone want to be familiar with its teaching and its message? Let’s explore Psalm 119 together and discover why.
