The Joy of Being Mom Devotional नमुना

The Joy of Being Mom Devotional

DAY 7 OF 7


Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. –Colossians 3:23 NLT

Do you ever have the feeling that you’re “just a mom”? Your thoughts turn to wondering if you’ll ever have the opportunity to carry out the passions that are on your heart. It’s not that you don’t love being Mom; it’s just that … well, what if someone else starts doing what you wanted to do and now you can’t do it because they already did it?! What if someone else starts that business or writes that book? Yes, those thoughts can ruin a perfectly great life of motherhood if we let them take hold of our minds and hearts.

I believe passion is a gift from God that is perfectly tailored for each one of us. The word passion comes from the Latin pati, which means ‘to endure or to suffer.’ This is what is meant by the passion of Christ. It refers to the suffering of our Lord. Today, the word passion is primarily used to mean having a strong and uncontrollable emotion and/or conviction that is usually associated with love. Put these two descriptions together, and you have what I call the Lord’s passion: a strong, unchanging, and never-ending love for us that led Jesus to the cross where He endured great suffering and died. Then He rose again so that we, His bride, could spend eternity with Him in heaven. That’s passion!

When we delight in our Lord by seeking His heart through praying, getting in the Word, and spending time in worship, our hearts will align with His. Our desires will become the desires He has for us. If you have a passion that’s stirring in your heart, take that desire to the Father. Allow Him to speak to your heart through His Word and through godly counsel if needed. If the Lord has given you a desire to serve in a ministry or to start a business or (insert your desire), then realize that it’s all in His timing. He does not tease us with the dreams and desires we have inside us. The Lord may release you to move forward even with a growing family, or He may have you wait until sometime down the road.

Remember, the best place to be is where God has called us to be. I didn’t have my first book published until I was 59. Could I have written it earlier? Yes. Would it have been the same book? No. God’s timing was perfect for me, and it is for you too.

Let’s Pray

Father, thank You for my family. I’m so grateful for this season of being Mom. Knowing that Your timing is perfect, I will continue to seek Your face as I look forward to walking in all the passions You have lovingly placed on my heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Was this Plan helpful? We adapted this Plan from The Joy of Being Mom Devotional by Judy Brisky. Find it at

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