Jesus. All About Life.नमुना

Jesus. All About Life.

DAY 7 OF 17


What always strikes me about Peter in this story is that his insistence he will stick by Jesus – whatever everybody else does – is not wholly unfounded. When the soldiers come to arrest his Lord, Peter doesn’t quail and flee. Mark doesn’t tell us which disciple draws his sword and (ineptly) cuts off the ear of one of the armed crowd, but in John’s account, Simon Peter is the one, and Jesus tells him to stand down.

I keep this moment of courage, however misplaced, in mind when Peter later denies even knowing Jesus, whom, in fact, he loves so dearly. After the hot moment of crisis, later, in the creeping cold of dawn, unsure of what his Master wants from him, is when the betrayal comes. Peter’s confidence has drained away.

We do not get to choose the circumstances of the trial or our frame of mind when it comes. If I’ve slept well, feel close to God, and am braced for the challenge – maybe I do ok. But in the moment of desolation and confusion, our illusions about ourselves have been stripped away, and we see that it is Christ alone who never fails. All other ground is sinking sand.

Action point:

Confidence is Peter’s superpower and his downfall. Where is your confidence? The song says, “I dare not trust the sweetest frame, / But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.” Do you need to repent of excessive self-confidence? Do you need reminding that Christ is your confidence, who forgives your stumblings and backslidings, and restores you when you fall?


(from the Book of Common Prayer)

Almighty God, who alone can order the unruly wills and affections of sinful people: Grant to your people that they may love the thing which you command, and desire that which you promise; that so, among the sundry and manifold changes of the world, our hearts may surely there be fixed where true joys are to be found; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

About the writer:

Natasha Moore is a Senior Fellow of the Centre for Public Christianity and the author of For the Love of God: How the church is BETTER + WORSE than you ever imagined and The Pleasures of Pessimism.

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About this Plan

Jesus. All About Life.

“What is life all about?” is the question currently resonating in people’s hearts. As Christians, we have the answer to this question. Jesus is the answer to all the big questions of life. For Easter 2022, Bible Society Australia will facilitate a nationwide conversation about Jesus. Join us as we step forward with a renewed purpose and proclaim the centrality of Jesus to our nation.
