Debunking the Myths of Christmas नमुना

Debunking the Myths of Christmas

DAY 4 OF 5

What Is True Worship?

These men were wise because they were seeking after Christ. What could we better do in this world than to seek after Christ? The wise men thought all other pursuits were not as important compared with this. 

The desire to worship Jesus Christ should be the top priority in our lives.

These men were wise because they sought after and worshipped Jesus. They humbly submitted themselves to a higher King than the one they served back in the East. They found a better and more self-satisfying investment for their riches than saving up for toys, luxuries, or adventures.

Like these wise men, we need to put the worship of Jesus Christ above everything else in our lives. They left their comfortable homes and honored positions in life to make an 800 mile trek to find and worship the new born King of the Jews, the Messiah.

The wise men made it a priority to worship the Lord. 

Have you ever skipped worship because it was too cold or rainy? Do you consistently pass over prayer or reading the Bible because you “just don’t have the time” or you “just don’t feel like it”?

The wise men searched carefully for the child. The biblical word for “search” means to examine closely, inquire intently or approve by testing. The word for “carefully” can also be translated as “diligently” or “accurately.”

So many believers are content with a static faith. They do very little to nothing to grow and mature in their relationship with God or their understanding of the scriptures. How is your study of God’s Word? Do you just read it or spend time studying it?

Right from the beginning, the magi made the purpose of their journey clear: “We have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” This should be our focus in life. The purpose of our lives should be to worship Him. Instead of being distracted by all the trappings of the holidays and the business of the celebration of the festival, let’s take time to worship Jesus!

What motivated the wise men to worship was their recognition of who Jesus is.

It is not the fast-paced songs or the slow good lyrical songs that help you worship. It’s your personal revelation of who God is that leads you to a place of reverent worship where you do not feel the need of a worship leader or music to get you there. 

If you do not have a personal relationship with God, worship ceases to be worship, but is just entertainment for yourselves.

The wise men knew who Jesus was and therefore required no high adrenaline music, no introduction, no motivation. Absolutely nothing but the revelation of God brought them to their knees in worship. How is your worship?

Quote: Worship is the proper response of all moral, sentient beings to God, ascribing all honor and worth to their Creator-God precisely because he is worthy, delightfully so. — D.A. Carson

Prayer: Lord, help me to know you more so that I can worship you more genuinely. Amen 

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About this Plan

Debunking the Myths of Christmas

A myth is a traditional story or a widely held but false belief or idea. Was Jesus born on December 25? Were there three kings who visited Jesus? Did the shepherds and the wise men come together to worship Jesus in the manger as is often shown in nativity plays? In this five-day devotional, find answers to these questions and get to know the truth about Christmas.
