The Proof Is in the Manger – Advent Devotional With Andrea Olsonनमुना

The Proof Is in the Manger – Advent Devotional With Andrea Olson

DAY 2 OF 4

Day 2: 2nd Sunday of Advent

Scriptures for reading: John 4:25, Matthew 11:28-30, Romans 8:38-39


Before the world was born You made a plan

To Redeem the brokenness of man

You left Your glory to rewrite the story

Through a rugged cross

This is how You showed Your love for us

Lyrics from “The Proof”

It is so incredible to me when I reflect on the intentionality of the Lord. The fact that He planned this display of love before the world was born. Before any of us were on this earth, He had a plan to redeem us. God has been on a journey of intentional pursuit of me for generations. Of you…of your family and the generations before you and those that will come after. That is a love that we cannot comprehend.

I was recently reading about the woman at the well. When Jesus spoke to her, she responded to Him with confidence in the intentionality of the Lord. God had a plan, and she was sure of that. In John 4:25, she said, “…I know that Messiah is coming…when he comes, he will explain everything to us.” But no one could have ever predicted how the Lord would choose to come. Our human minds cannot even think up that kind of love because it’s deeper than anything we could ever experience on a human level. I wonder if that’s why it was hard for some people to accept Him because His love is a heavenly that is deeper than anything possible in earthly realms.

That same heavenly love exists for you today. No matter where you are, what you’ve done, or where you’ve come from. God’s love for you is deeper than anything you could ever fathom. His intentional plan of love has included you all along, no matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been. You are not outside of His love.

Today, as we walk into the second week of Advent, we will continue our journey of actively waiting by preparing our hearts and declaring Truth. This week, once again, come back to the Scriptures linked here and read them each day. Let His Truth wash over you and remind you of the depth of His love for you. Lastly, whether alone or with your family, I encourage you to keep your eyes open to all the ways that God shows you His love this week. It could be through a person, through His beauty, through Scripture, or some other way. Whatever they are, write those things down each day and then live in gratitude for them. Thank Him for showing you His love each day. It is truly a gift.

Matthew 11:28 says, “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis.” That is the kind of love that God has for us. One of refreshing and safety. Whatever trial you are facing, whatever you have done that you think has separated you from God, I pray that the Truth of His Word lifts your spirit and reminds you that there is nothing that can separate you from the love of God. And because of His love for us, He is coming back again. For me, for you. Of this, I am sure.

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The Proof Is in the Manger – Advent Devotional With Andrea Olson

Do you need to hear Truth? With all of the chaos around us, it’s important to consistently realign our hearts with Truth. Join this 4 session devotional, one for each Sunday of Advent, to be reminded of what is true and actively prepare your heart for the season ahead.
