Single but in a Relationship With Godनमुना

How do I embrace my relationship with God as a single person?
Now that we are on our final day, you may be asking, “How do I embrace my relationship with God? How do I find Him real in my life?”
The beauty of having a relationship with Jesus is that He is so real and active in our lives. He’s not a quiet and passive God that we just serve on Sundays at Church. He speaks, guides, loves and gives us what we need every moment of every day.
The first step into embracing our relationship with God is to give Him our time and attention. God can’t speak to us if we are preoccupied with tasks or other thoughts.
Take time also to reserve moments throughout the day to take a quick five-minute break to pray to God. As you spend more time with God, your love for Him will grow.
Where are opportunities for you to talk and hear from God outside of a dedicated time in your room? What about a lunch break with God?
God desires for us to sit before Him and listen to Him. As much as He loves us doing things for Him, He values our ears and eyes on Him.
In Luke, we read about Mary and Martha: “She had a sister named Mary, who sat at Jesus’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made” (Luke 10:39–40 NIV).
Jesus said to Martha, “Mary has chosen what is better” (Luke 10:42 NIV).
Are we spending more of our time doing things for God or listening to Him? If we want to draw closer to God, it’s not by doing more for Him or going to more conferences and church services. It is simply by giving our attention and time to Jesus.
We need to read our Bible every day because God speaks to us through His Word. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1 NIV). God is the Word, so in the Bible, we will be able to know Him more. Many times, we find ourselves listening to what others say about God—watching preachers or speakers on TV—but we neglect the Word of God itself.
Imagine dating someone, and the things you know about them are only what other people say about them. The result of this is a lack of time and intimacy with the person. Jesus wants you to know Him personally.
Drawing closer to Jesus starts with spending time with Jesus.
Just like dating is required in any relationship, we have to set a time to date God. Dating is spending quality time with someone.
Jesus longs to draw you into His arms and refresh you with His waterfalls of love and revelation. David wrote, “Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me” (Psalm 42:7 NIV).
We can go deep and see the depths of Jesus’s heart if we give Him our undivided attention and obedience. It’s in the depths of His heart that we find ourselves falling more in love with the person of Jesus.
Jesus always sends us an invitation to come and follow Him. He asked His disciples to follow Him. It’s up to us to let go of everything and follow Him. “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you…” (James 4:8 ESV).
Getting closer to God starts with our willingness to follow Him no matter where He asks us to go.
Will you give Jesus your attention and embrace your relationship with Him?
Get a copy of the Single but in a Relationship with God book and join our 4-week embracing singleness study group where you will learn how to embrace your single season while embracing your relationship with God.
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It can be tempting to take things into our own hands and settle for relationships that are less than God’s best. The single season doesn’t have to be a time of emptiness and fear, but a fulfilling one as we embrace our relationship with God. This plan will help you learn how to embrace your single season with boldness as you embrace your relationship with God.