Lead Strong: Leadership Lessons From The Bible - Part 1नमुना

Lead Strong: Leadership Lessons From The Bible - Part 1

DAY 22 OF 35

Leaders Are Encouragers

Have you ever felt like you were not good enough to do what God was calling you to do? Stepping out to face a challenge often brings out our old fears and insecurities. We worry, we fret, and we hold back because of fear. That’s when we need an encourager. An encourager is not just someone who tells you that you are good enough, smart enough, and (doggone it) people like you! No, an encourager comes alongside you, speaks truth, and turns your attention to God and His promises.

When Deborah, Israel’s judge and prophetess, told Barak he had been chosen to lead God’s people against their enemies, Barak just couldn’t see it. What he saw instead was Israel’s limited army, his own lack of military experience, and the vast power of Sisera’s troops. He was afraid to go alone, so Deborah came alongside him to face the enemy. And when the enemy gathered their 900 chariots in the valley below, Deborah didn’t stand next to Barak and tell him what a great warrior he was or shout “You can do it!” from the sidelines. Deborah spoke truth that turned Barak’s attention away from his own fears and toward God’s power. She said, “Get ready! This is the day the Lord will give you victory over Sisera, for the Lord is marching ahead of you.”

Isn’t that what the Holy Spirit does for us? He comes alongside us, reminding us of God’s power at work within our lives to fulfill His whole purpose for us. What an encouragement! As leaders God often gives us insight into the potential and purpose of those around us. We often have the opportunity to come alongside someone and see God do amazing things. Our job is not to swoop in and build their self-esteem nor is it to stand back and shout platitudes. Our job is to infuse our people with courage by turning their attention away from their fear and insecurities and towards God’s power and promises. When we let the Holy Spirit use us to speak truth and life into someone, that’s when we as leaders truly become encouragers!

With Deborah’s encouragement Barak faced an overwhelming enemy with courage and saw God win the victory! With our encouragement, what will our people be able to see God accomplish through them? How can you come alongside someone and encourage them today?

By Stephanie Shouse

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Lead Strong: Leadership Lessons From The Bible - Part 1

The Bible is a classroom. It is filled with stories that will teach us what to emulate and what not to do as well. Join us as we dig into the scriptures and look for the lessons God wants to teach us through men and women from the Bible that will take our leadership to the next level.
