Do You Know Who Jesus Is?नमुना

Do You Know Who Jesus Is?

DAY 7 OF 8

Say this together: Jesus is there to help you through. He’s been through some hard times, too.

The new Heaven and new Earth aren’t here yet. That means sometimes we go through really hard things. People might be mean to you or bad things might happen to you. 

No matter how much you’re suffering, Jesus understands. He knows what it’s like to suffer. He helped the disciples in the Bible story when their hearts were broken, and He will help you, too. When you’re suffering, Jesus is with you. Jesus is listening to you. And Jesus is speaking true and encouraging words to you. Talk to Him. Listen to Him. Let Him heal your broken heart and give you hope.

Watch This Video Together   

Talk Together  

  • Share one thing you remember from the Bible story.  
  • How did Jesus help the disciples in the story?  
  • When do you feel like you’re suffering?  
  • How can Jesus help you when you feel that way?

Pray Together

God, thank You that Jesus is with us when we go through hard times. Help us to trust Him and let Him heal us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Read Together

Read the Bible story for today. Take turns sharing what it makes you think about. Ask each other any questions it makes you think of.

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About this Plan

Do You Know Who Jesus Is?

Jesus is God’s Son. He loves you and wants to be your friend. Complete this Bible Plan as a family to learn more about who He is. For Parents: This Bible Plan is designed for families. Your child will have a deeper understanding of the daily readings, videos, challenges, and questions if you do it together.
