Key Events: Key Historical Events Of The Bibleनमुना

United Kingdom
A classic children’s story, but it is so much more! It is certainly a story of a brave boy who defeats a giant by having faith in God, but God is demonstrating something far greater. He uses the incident as a stepping stone for the transition of power from Saul to David, whom God has already chosen as the next king. He also shows that he doesn’t need the big and strong to do what he needs. David knows he can accomplish something great with God’s help. Saul is fearful in the face of a giant because he can only solve the problem through his own strength. Saul has a pride problem and is afraid. David is humble, but assured.
Do you want to be the tall, handsome guy who depends on himself and therefore is afraid or the small kid no one respects, but relies on God and accomplishes great things?
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या योजनेविषयी

This reading plan will provide an overview of the key historical events that are told about in the Bible. All of the Bible was written in the midst of real people’s lives in specific time periods. Understanding these events will help Bible readers understand all of the Bible better.