BibleProject | Upside-Down Kingdom / Part 1 - Lukeनमुना

BibleProject | Upside-Down Kingdom / Part 1 - Luke

DAY 11 OF 20

Jesus teaches his followers to avoid the hypocrisy of the religious leaders. They talk about God’s love but neglect the poor. They have lots of knowledge but only use it to gain praise. Jesus won’t tolerate this two-faced lifestyle and teaches that God sees everything and will keep humanity accountable. This is meant as both a warning and an encouragement. It’s a warning because greed and gossip will not remain secret. Hypocrites will be found out. Truth will be revealed, and wrong will be made right one day. But it’s also an encouragement because God doesn’t only see the evil humanity commits; he also sees the good. He sees the needs of humanity and generously cares for his creation. When followers of Jesus pursue and prioritize the Kingdom of God, Jesus assures they will receive eternal treasures and all that they need for life on earth. Now, of course, this doesn’t mean that life will be easy. In fact, Jesus acknowledges that his followers will indeed suffer. But he promises that those who face suffering will face God, and those who give their lives to honor his name will be honored before angels. Because of this, Jesus encourages his followers to trust God’s provision and warns them of the dangers of hypocrisy. Jesus longs for everyone to receive his words, but many reject them.

Read, Reflect, and Respond:

  • After reading Jesus’ words today, how would you define hypocrisy? Jesus compares hypocrisy to yeast (12:1). How is hypocrisy like yeast?
  • Greed is not always the selfish desire for more money and possessions. Jesus calls his followers to defend their lives from all kinds of greed. What are different types of greed? For example, consider what it might mean to be greedy for attention, approval, or entertainment.
  • Review Luke 12:29-34. What do you observe? What do you spend the most time and energy thinking about and pursuing? How do Jesus’ words warn or encourage you today?
  • Jesus’ teachings are given to protect his people the same way a hen’s wings protect her chicks from predators (see 13:34). But many are still not willing to receive his protection. Reflect on a story in your life when you experienced the consequences of not listening to a warning. If you could return to that part of your life, what would you want to tell yourself?
  • Let your reading and reflections prompt a prayer. Express gratitude for his protection against greed and hypocrisy, tell him where you struggle to receive it, and ask him for what you need to follow him today.

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About this Plan

BibleProject | Upside-Down Kingdom / Part 1 - Luke

BibleProject designed Upside-Down Kingdom Part 1 to inspire individuals, small groups, and families to read through Luke in 20 days. This plan incorporates animated videos, insightful summaries, and reflective questions to help participants encounter Jesus and engage with Luke’s brilliant literary design and flow of thought.
