Becoming A Well-Watered Woman In A Parched Worldनमुना

Does “Quiet Time” Seem Impossible?
Here’s how many of us start our day: we wake up, grab our phones, and immediately begin the “daily scroll.” Before our feet even hit the floor, our hearts are distracted, our souls discontented, and our minds discouraged. While it’s true that good words can be found online, they can never replace the best Word—the Word of God.
If the phrase “quiet time” keeps you from pursuing Jesus in the mess of everyday life, consider switching your mindset to “Word before world.”
If you wake up late and don’t get to spend time in the Word first thing, don’t consider the day a wash and leave your Bible unopened. Carve out a few minutes later in the day to spend time with him.
If you’re in a season with young kids who need constant attention, determine to have your Bible open continually to a passage you can run to in moments you feel overwhelmed.
Meet with Jesus when it’s loud. Meet with him when it’s dead quiet. Meet with him when you’re alone. Meet with him in the presence of others. The Word came into this loud, noisy, chaotic world to bring peace, hope, and life-giving truth. Surely he will be with you in your own crazy chaos too!
When we put the Word before the world, Jesus becomes the main character of our lives, and we take on a supporting role. The story is about him and God’s glory, and that’s actually the best news to our weary hearts.
“Word before world” is a mentality shift, not a mundane to-do list. When you allow this perspective to shape your priorities, decisions, and routines, it will transform not only what you do but also how you do it. Following Christ is a way of life. The Word puts reality in its proper place and sets our sights on what’s most important.
Putting the Word before the world isn’t meant to be something you check off in the morning; instead, it’s a way of life. Resolve to water your soul with the Word each day. Those ancient words are constantly changing us, so let’s come with an open heart.
Conversation Starter: Which phrase best describes your life recently: “Word before world” or “world before Word”? Which would you rather have describe your life?
Getting Started: What changes do you need to make in your daily routine to be sure you’re putting “Word before world”
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या योजनेविषयी

Flourishing in Jesus is about leaving behind a shallow faith for a deeper walk with him. It isn’t about attaining perfection or arriving at a specific destination. It’s not about having your life put together or avoiding struggles. It’s about flourishing where you’ve been planted. As a Well-Watered Woman, you won’t have a perfect life, but it will be full of hope, brimming with purpose, and fueled by grace.