Be the Branch: A Guide Through John 15नमुना

Be the Branch: A Guide Through John 15

DAY 4 OF 6

Think About It

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

This should be our definition of love. Not “what makes me feel good.” Not “what makes me feel valued or special.” But “Can I lay down my life for this person?”

Since Jesus willingly gave up His life on the cross, it’s easy to read this passage and only think love means dying for someone. It sure can mean that. But there are many ways we can die for someone without giving up our lives. 

Greater love can be listening to another person share a story over coffee without constantly interrupting with your own thoughts. Greater love can be adopting a child who will not know true love without a Christ-like family. Greater love can be living on a small percentage of your income and giving away most of it to missionaries and those in need.

This kind of love requires something bigger than ourselves. It requires us to know God’s love and let it flow through us to others. Left to ourselves, we drift back to love focused on us. Love becomes about how everyone else should serve us. Jesus gives us the kind of love that says, “How can I serve you?” 

Live It Out

  • How loved by Jesus do you feel? Take a few moments and reflect on what Jesus has done for you. Allow yourself to recognize His love.
  • What holds you back from serving someone else?
  • Pick one person this week and let Jesus’ love flow through you to them. Deny something you want and do something meaningful for them.

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About this Plan

Be the Branch: A Guide Through John 15

As Jesus considered His last remaining moments with His disciples before His crucifixion, He made sure they knew everything that was most important for the uncertain future they were walking into. In John 15, Jesus reminded His disciples that they were created for connection—with God and one another. For them to thrive after His death, they were going to need to learn to "be the branch."
