When Life Tries to Overwhelm Youनमुना

When Life Tries to Overwhelm You

DAY 3 OF 3


The better you know God, the more you can live the ultimate life, receive all His benefits, and get the victory when you’re overwhelmed. It takes effort to get to know Him—to read His Word, spend time in prayer, live a life of obedience—but it’s so worth it!

I recently received a testimony from a woman whose husband had been suffering from Parkinson’s disease, and she had asked me a few weeks before to pray for him. Here’s a portion of what she sent to me:

I don't know how to say thank you enough. Recently, I asked you to pray for my husband, who has Parkinson's. Since then, his physical battle has turned around significantly. Instead of being listless and depressed, he has been acting more like his "old self" —energetic, participating in church activities again, back to gardening and doing outdoor things—living a better, happier life. His meds also seem to be working better. "Miracle" doesn't seem like a strong enough word. I just can't thank you enough for your prayers.

As I read this precious woman’s note, I thought, “What a benefit it is to know God!” This man was probably told that there was little hope for him in the medical world—but look at what God did! I was someone far away who wasn’t really close with this man and his wife, but when I agreed with them (and probably others) in prayer for him, the Lord heard and answered us!

When we know Him, we can know Him as Healer, Provider, Comforter, Overcomer, and Friend. We are not like those without Christ, without hope and help (Ephesians 2:12). We can expect our Father’s love and healing power to overcome the trials and troubles that try to overwhelm us.

Walking closely with God gives you an advantage in every realm of life. Yes, it takes spiritual effort to spend time in His presence, to resist temptation, to live a life that pleases God, and some people may think the sacrifice of laying down our lives to receive more of His is too much to ask (Mark 8:34, 35). But it’s not! It’s reasonable, the Bible says, and besides, the rewards are so much greater than any sacrifice we ever have to make. It’s so worth it!

Was this plan helpful to you? It’s an excerpt from my book “Closer Than You Ever Imagined: Experiencing the Deep Relationship With God You Always Wanted.” You can read the first part here.

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About this Plan

When Life Tries to Overwhelm You

We live in tumultuous times, and life can come at you relentlessly. It’s easy to get overwhelmed. But God is not surprised by where you find yourself, and He has made a way of escape for you to overcome—every time. The closer you walk to Him, the more you have access to His answers in every situation.
