[Yellow Balloons Series] The Recipe for Victory नमुना

[Yellow Balloons Series] The Recipe for Victory

DAY 6 OF 7

Doers of the Word

To truly overcome trials (the Bible’s definition of success), we must align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with God’s Word. It is not enough to set aside the old self; we have to put on the new self. A transplant begins with removing the bad heart, but if it stopped there, what good would it do? We need a new heart, a new perspective, and a new way of doing things. We are only transformed if the change makes its way into our behavior.

James talks about a man who looks at himself in a mirror and then walks away, forgetting what he looks like. Here, the word translated “man” doesn’t mean “human.” It means “male.” Women are more focused, more intent when they look in the mirror. They don’t leave until they look exactly right. Men tend to do only the minimum.

James says we delude ourselves when we think we are growing in godliness but give our character only a passing consideration. For this reason, we must examine our hearts and minds daily and continuously. I know that it may seem like a lot, but not doing so is a risk we cannot afford.

In the book of Romans, Paul urges us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice; this is our true and proper worship (Romans 12:1). It fulfills the great and first commandment – to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37). We are called to be transformed by the renewing of our minds and not to be conformed to this world (Romans 12:2). 

There are three things we can control: our actions, who we trust, and the perspective we take. Are we going to trust the world or the Lord? Will we adopt the world’s view that success is based on accumulation and earthly prestige? Or will we choose a correct perspective, and invest in something that brings peace and will last forever?

Choosing to trust God and adopting the right perspective about life lays the foundation for doing good deeds, for not only hearing the Word, but choosing to put it into action. The goal of a healthy inner life is to have it overflow into our actions.

Are you worshipping God in your thought life? Are your thoughts giving Him honor? Do you love God with every fiber of your being? Furthermore, who are you listening to? Are you conforming to your flesh, the devil, or the world? Are you being transformed by renewing your mind in the Word of God? The overflow of your thought life will be translated into actions. 

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[Yellow Balloons Series] The Recipe for Victory

The book of James is about how to win at life. We win by walking in faith (rather than in our own strength) and through the wisdom of God (rather than of this world). The key to winning is overcoming the trials of life. This Yellow Balloons Series unpacks the message of the first chapter of James through seven devotionals that will allow you to discover the recipe for victory!
