Living With Your Familyनमुना

Living With Your Family

DAY 5 OF 5


So much of living with our families involves forgiveness that I think we should look at it again from a different angle…

When I was growing up, my brother and I used to fight ALL THE TIME. I remember one time my brother dared me to climb on top of this enormous piece of furniture in our house, jump off of it, and try to land safely on our couch (the 90’s were a simpler time). At first, I said “No way!” But after some convincing, I climbed up and prepared to make my leap. Right as I finally got my footing on top of this gigantic piece of furniture, my brother thought it would be hilarious to reach up and sweep my legs out from under me sending me into a free fall towards the floor. After I hit the ground, I was bloodied and bruised from how hard I landed. Instead of going to get help, my brother just laughed. 

For years after that day, I was still so bitter towards him for what he did to me. I couldn’t let it go!

Do you know what that feels like? 

Who in your family has been getting on your nerves the most lately? 

Is it your sibling who now uses all their newfound free time to annoy you every second of every day? Is it one of your parents who has gotten so strict about what you can and can’t do while stuck at home? 

Just like my brother, your family isn’t perfect either. They will do things that will frustrate you and sometimes even hurt you. But instead of holding on to that bitterness like I did for so long, the Bible gives different advice for dealing with family (which you’ll read in a moment).

But as you read it, you may think to yourself- “Forgive them? That is so unfair! You don’t get what they’ve done to me!” 

You’re right, I don’t. But what Jesus knows is that your family isn’t perfect and neither are you. You have done things to frustrate and sometimes even hurt them too. But He is willing to forgive you every single time, no matter what you’ve done. 

Now he is inviting you to do the same thing for your family...right now. 

So...who do you need to forgive today? 

पवित्र शास्त्र

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About this Plan

Living With Your Family

I know you didn’t pick them, but you have a family. And however unique your particular situation might be, God has placed you there for a reason. The trick then becomes getting along with these people (especially if you’ve been cooped up with them for a long time). The next 5 days, we’ll take a look at what the Bible has to say about how to live with your family.
