Created to Beनमुना

Created to Be

DAY 4 OF 28

Disappointment to Doubt

By Chelsea Seaton

Have you ever been so disappointed with God that it caused you to doubt Him? Maybe you’re believing a promise from Him, but you haven’t seen it come to fruition. Perhaps you’ve been through a tragedy that caused you to question His sovereignty. Or maybe you’ve prayed whole heartedly for something and it didn’t turn out the way you thought it would. If so, you’re not alone; I’ve been there too. 

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is about Thomas. He was one of the twelve disciples who witnessed Jesus perform miracles. He saw Jesus feed the five thousand, heal the sick, give sight to the blind, and raise the dead! After witnessing all of these miracles, he must have had an incredible expectation for what Jesus could do. Thomas probably daydreamed about the day Jesus would be crowned king. He might have thought he would be one of Jesus’ royal subjects, living in a palace or teaching people in the synagogue. His heart was undoubtedly full of hopes and dreams. But as Jesus hung on the cross, I imagine all Thomas had hoped for died that day, leaving him confused and disappointed. 

As we read in John 20, Thomas’s disappointment led him to doubt, and I think the same thing happens with us. We’ve seen God move in awesome ways, but when something doesn’t turn out the way we expect it to or the way we prayed it would, we get frustrated and all the things God has done seem null and void. We forget how good, loving, and compassionate He is. We forget that if He was faithful then, He will be faithful now. We forget that what He spoke in His Word is true—yesterday, today, and forever. 

What should we do when we forget and begin to doubt? I think we should be like Thomas. He confessed his doubt and was honest about it. It was after he confessed that Jesus came through the doors, walked right up to him, and reached out His hand (John 20:26–27). He doesn’t shame Thomas for doubting. He doesn’t tell him how stupid he is for not believing. He reaches out His hand as if to say, “I’m here.” Jesus offered Thomas comfort in the midst of his doubt, and when Thomas took the hand of Jesus, he believed. 

If you’re doubting today, confess it to the Lord, and ask Him to give you peace. When you’re honest with God, He will walk through the door of your heart, reach out His hand, and comfort you. Take His hand and believe again.


Jesus, thank You for comforting me when I doubt You. Thank You for giving me Your Word, so I can go and read about who You are, remembering that You never change and Your Word is always true. Today, I put my trust and hope in You. I believe in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Memory Verse

But Jesus looked at them and said to them “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

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About this Plan

Created to Be

Did you know God created you with a purpose? And did you know you have a part to play in His kingdom here on earth? In this 28-day devotional, pastors and leaders from Gateway Church discuss how to experience all God has for you and live out your God-given purpose.
