Building Your Prayer Lifeनमुना

Building Your Prayer Life

DAY 22 OF 36

Lesson Four: Building Process 1 - Deepening the Devotional Life, Having a Quiet Time

The "quiet time" is called other names like the "morning watch" or the "daily devotion". This particular spiritual discipline is the heart of the devotional life, and the faithful practice of it is the key to the deepening process. Most Christians have a vague idea of how a "quiet time" can be spent, and feel lost or frustrated about their own devotional life. The following will give a detailed description of the elements of a meaningful "quiet time", and hopefully, encourage the you to have positive expectations for deepening your devotional life.

What is a "Quiet Time"?

It is our personal appointment with our living Savior and Lord for the purpose of worship, fellowship, affirmation, and communication.

A. "personal appointment"

  1. Requires personal presence(body and spirit).
  2. Pre-planned or intended activity.

The "quiet time" is one of your responsibilities which cannot be delegated – just like eating your meals.

B. "our living Savior and Lord"

  1. Assumes that you have a relationship with Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.
  2. Jesus Himself is alive and present with us.

One of the reasons why one does not find meaning in his `quiet time’ is because God is Spirit and seems so far away. But when we realize that our Lord and Savior is alive and He is present with us, our "quiet time" takes a more exciting mood. How can one not be excited to be in the presence of the King of Kings?!

C. "worship" – (creature to Creator)

  1. The creature acknowledges the glory of his Creator. 
  2. It involves meditating on His character and works. 
  3. It develops and sustains a high view of God.
  4. Useful resources for a meaningful worship: beauty of nature, Scripture passages that describe God’s character like the Psalms, hymnbooks, or sacred music playing in the background.)

The practice of worship is very evident in the book of psalms. The new believer may not have as big a view of God as that of an older believer who has walked with God for a longer period of time, but just looking at the works of God around us, it becomes easier to ponder the greatness of the One who made them. The psalmists always did this, and all the time, it led them to worship the Creator. It can be our habit, too, to ponder the wisdom, the power, the love, etc. of God, as a way of life, so that our worship of Him becomes more natural.

D. "fellowship’"– (child to heavenly Father)

  1. The child of God enjoys the company of his Father.
  2. He receives assurance and encouragement from the Father especially in times of trials.
  3. When sin hinders fellowship with the Father, he seeks restoration by confessing his sin and claiming the Father’s forgiveness.

If God were not our Father, then our existence may just be as vain as a plant in our garden. We will fade away like grass without ever knowing the deep pleasure of relating to God personally. Therefore, we count it a great privilege to be able to enjoy God as our Father. Some of us may not have enjoyed our relationship with our earthly fathers which makes it more difficult for us to enjoy God as a father. But we can ask Him to help us understand His fatherly love. After all, He granted us the right to be called His children as part of our inheritance in Christ.

E. "affirmation" – (lover to lover; servant to master)

  1. The time for lovers to affirm their love and commitment to each other. 
  2. The servant renews his commitment to obey his master.
  3. The master affirms his acceptance and approval of his servant.

The value of affirmation in any relationship is immeasurable. It makes a big difference to regularly express our appreciation and approval to our loved one and hear the same from them. Especially in our relationship with God, if we do not allow the Word of God to remind us of God’s unconditional acceptance, we can be overcome by vain thoughts that Satan wants to inject in our minds that we are unacceptable. It also strengthens our loyalty to God if we express it to Him during our daily `quiet time.’

F. "communication" – (Father-child; Lover to lover; Master-servant; Commanding General to soldier)

  1.  It is needed between two persons who want to grow more intimate with each other.
  2. God wants us to know and understand Him more, (Jeremiah 9:23,24), and this cannot take place without communication.
  3. We need the loving guidance of our heavenly Father.
  4. As a soldier in spiritual battle, we need to be always in touch with our commanding general.

Communication to be beneficial takes time and effort. But not everybody is willing to pay the price. To enjoy communication with God, we need practice and patience. Most of us do not have the patience to wait on God to speak to us. So we do not experience hearing Him either. God promised that those who will seek Him with all their hearts will find Him.

Suggested Steps to Having a Meaningful Quiet Time

A. Choose an uninterrupted time and private place for your QT.

B. Begin your QT by focusing your mind and heart to worship God.

  1. Sing hymns of worship or praise songs.
  2. Read out loud or meditate on a psalm or any Scripture passage which declares the works and attributes of God. 
  3. Thank God for what He has done for you in Christ.

C. Verbally affirm your love and obedience to Christ. Also Affirm God’s love, commitment, and faithfulness towards you.

D. Allow God to communicate to you through His Word. Read and study the Bible book by book – begin with the gospel of John. Keep a record of the things God is showing you in a journal.

E. Respond to God’s communication through prayer whether you need to confess a sin, pray for wisdom, intercede for a friend or for a group, etc.

पवित्र शास्त्र

दिवस 21दिवस 23

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Building Your Prayer Life

Building Your Prayer Life: Have a biblical understanding of prayer, broaden your vision of God, deepen your love for Him, yours will be a strong and effective prayer life. Written by Cory Bo-o Varela, she believes that teaching these prayer lessons is not meant to substitute actual involvement in prayer. Subscribe and build your prayer life now!
