

DAY 1 OF 6

Part One - I can pray daily

Have you ever seen waves being made in water? They are big, powerful and can cause the thing around them to change. Waves are created when energy passes through water - maybe you’ve been to the beach and played in the sea or jumped in a puddle and created a wave? You can be the one that creates the energy to make waves in the world too through your faith in Jesus!

In this devotional, we are learning all about how we can be Wavemakers and how God can move through our prayers. You could be praying for your friends to come to Church, or for the people in the city that you live in that need help. When you pray, God will move, and you can see things around you change! You can pray big prayers and ask God for things that might seem impossible, and He can still move!

In Daniel 6, it talks about how Daniel prayed to God every day! There was nothing that could stop Daniel from praying, even though the King had made a law that stopped people from praying. Daniel loved God and loved talking to Him. Daniel prayed to God, but this was against the King’s law, so he ordered for Daniel to be thrown into the Lion’s Den. Daniel prayed for God to protect him, and God answered his prayer by sending an Angel. The following morning the King rushed to the Lion’s Den and was amazed to see that Daniel was still alive. When we pray we can see the impossible happen too! As a result, of Daniel praying for God to protect him, the King saw that God had moved and looked after Daniel. The King told everyone that they were to honour and respect God. As a result of Daniel’s prayer, God moved and the things around him changed in big ways!

Our memory verse for this devotional is Philippians 4:13, which says ‘I can do all things through Christ because he gives me strength.’ (ICB). This means that God is always with us so we can pray and ask God to move in big ways, and He will give us the faith to believe that anything can happen!


What prayers are you praying that you want to see God move in?

What is God prompting you to pray for to see Him move in big ways?


Dear God, thank you that I can pray to you anywhere and at any time. Thank you that you love to hear my prayers. Thank you that you answer my prayers. Amen. 

पवित्र शास्त्र

दिवस 2

About this Plan


We are called to live a life that reflects Jesus and affects those around us. Our prayers, the way we look after other people and how we respond in tough times have the power to create waves in the world around us. In this devotional, for kids aged 4-11 years, we will be looking at Wavemakers in the Bible and how we too can create waves!
