How To Be A Christian At Your Work – Part 2 Of 2नमुना

How To Be A Christian At Your Work – Part 2 Of 2

DAY 6 OF 6

BLESS is the second 5-letter guide to being a Christian at work:

B:  Begin with prayer
L:  Listen & Look for opportunities
E:  Exercise obedience
S:  See everyone in God’s image
S:  Serve others

Of course, being a Christian at work isn’t as simple as just memorizing one – or even two – five-letter words.  

However, the concepts behind these guide words can be very helpful to living your faith as a Christian at work – and here’s a simple action to reinforce those teachings:


Add another sticky note to your wall – this time with the words “BLESS others” at the top and the insight for each letter underneath.
Then, as before, reflect on each letter day by day.  Start with the letter “B” on Monday, and work your way down to the last letter “S” by Friday.
Once you’ve gone through all 5 letters, circle back and go through the letters of both NICER and BLESS again.  Follow a 1-letter-per-day routine until the concepts are really and truly ingrained in your thinking and actions.  

Once you have internalized the principles and actions behind the words NICER and BLESS, you’ll surely see how you might reach out to serve others – whether that is by doing something, listening or actively helping them in some way.

Remember, the kingdom of God is upside-down compared to what the world thinks.  At work, the boss is the one who is served, but in God’s kingdom, the “first shall be last; and the last shall be first” (Matthew 19:30, KJV).  It’s the exact opposite of what the world thinks.

As Christians, we shouldn’t be living according to the ways of the world anyway, should we? Instead, we should be following the teachings and examples of Jesus, however counter-intuitive or difficult that might seem.

Just like Jesus himself bent down to wash the dirty, smelly feet of his disciples, so we also are called to serve others at work – regardless of what the organizational chart or work culture may say.

Not sure how to start? Then try this simple question: 

“What can I do to help you?”

As you live out being NICER and BLESS-ing others at your work, people will notice that you are somehow different.  They will ask you why you are so helpful, why you are unaffected by company drama, and why you seem to have it all together.  

Over time, your co-workers will come to you with their personal struggles, issues, and worries.  You won’t even have to ask to help them because they will be asking you.  

The challenge of finding and doing the good works already prepared for you (Ephesians 2:10) will become second nature! 

Can you be NICER and BLESS others at your work today?  


Lord, thank you for my work and each person there.  Help me to truly live out each of the principles behind the words NICER and BLESS so that you may be glorified as I serve those around me.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Take the NEXT STEP...

These readings were abstracted from the book “How to be a Christian at Work” – click here  to get your copy  and dig deeper into all aspects of living out your faith each day! 

पवित्र शास्त्र

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About this Plan

How To Be A Christian At Your Work – Part 2 Of 2

This is part 2 of a 2-part study “How to be a Christian at work.” In this study, we discover 5 additional insights to help you live out your faith at work, in a way that honors God and is also pleasing to your boss and those you work with. Join us to find out how to BLESS others at your work today!
