Spiritual Fruitfulnessनमुना

Spiritual Fruitfulness

DAY 2 OF 3

Fruit multiplies as we abide in Christ. 

In John 15, we are instructed that Christ is the true vine, and, in order to grow fruit, believers must abide in Christ: 

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me” (John 15:4). 

The word “abide” means to remain, hang out with, or loiter. A good example of abiding would be a young couple who had just fallen in love, spending long hours of hanging out together so that, even when they were apart, their thoughts would return constantly to each other. Unfortunately, many believers only desire a visit with Christ on Sundays or Wednesdays with no desire to abide or remain with Him. 

The apostle John, however, warned that a branch disconnected from the source of its nutrients in Christ, the true vine, would eventually become barren: 

“If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up” (John 15:6). 

The good news is that if we do abide with Christ, remaining with Him through study of Scripture and prayer, He gives us more and more of His life so that believers can bear much fruit, as we show ourselves to be His disciples (John 15:8).

Would you describe your relationship with God as a casual visitation or as abiding and remaining with Him? 

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About this Plan

Spiritual Fruitfulness

Growing in your spiritual maturity is part of your divine purpose. In this reading plan by Dr. Tony Evans, he will teach you three cultivation tips in order to produce and bear spiritual fruit, pleasing God in all respects.
