No Limitsनमुना

No Limits

DAY 5 OF 7

It was around my 40th birthday when I came to the realization that reaching my capacity as a person wasn’t just about me doing my very best. It was about my relationship with others, how we could work together, and how our gifts could complete and complement one another.

That thought became the inspiration for one of my 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, the Law of the Inner Circle. Simply put, “A leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him or her.”

For the last 30 years the transition from me to we is one of the greatest shifts I’ve ever made as a leader and as a person. Because of the incredible people around me, I’ve not only experienced success, I’ve seen significant things 

Increasing your capacity for relating well with others is essential for anyone who wants to live out their God-given potential. Fortunately, it’s as simple as…

  • Valuing People Every Day—if you don’t like people, don’t respect them, and don’t believe they have value, it stands as a barrier to your success with them. You can’t secretly look down on others and build them up at the same time.
  • Making Yourself More Valuable to Others—the fastest way to improve any relationship is to make yourself better so you have more to give to others.
  • Putting Yourself in Someone Else’s World—sometimes, the best thing we can do for someone else is simply be present during their time of need.
  • Focus on Giving, Not Receiving—to build great relationships, you have to want more for people than you want from people.
  • Being a Consistent Friend—believe the best about people, place a high value on your relationships, and love unconditionally.
  • Creating Great Memories for People—you can make big or small moments special for others if you’ll be intentional about thinking of them in the moment.
  • Moving Towards the Kind of Relationships You Desire—put yourself in position to meet and spend time with the right kind of people: the kind who share your values, think positively, and see more and before others do.

Our relationships with other people matter because they are a reflection of our most important relationship: God. We were made to be in relationship with Him, and our relationships with other people can help us better understand our need for a close relationship with God.

That’s why the writer of Hebrews advised believers to “consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.”

We were made for relationships. We all need other people to live our lives to capacity. The more we value people, put ourselves into their world, seek to add value to them, and be their friend, the better our lives will be. 

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No Limits

You're capable of more than you realize! Join Dr. John C. Maxwell as he helps you increase your capacity in order to live a life of fulfilled potential. You can have a life with No Limits.
