Speak Lifeनमुना

Speak Life

DAY 2 OF 5

Speaking life is just that...SPEAKING!

You cannot be in between. When it comes to speaking life, there is no room for silence. 

Just because you’re not speaking death doesn’t mean that you’re speaking life. This is a concept that took some time for me to fully understand. As we've previously gone over, speaking life isn’t only for you. Speaking life can positively affect all who are around you. When you make it known what you set out to do, people take notice. When you believe it enough to speak it out to the world, those who may not know the Lord can take interest.

Because both bear fruit. Speaking life will bear fruit, but so too will speaking death. Making the decision to not do either will only leave you with a fruitless season.

It is necessary for you to call out your purpose. The Bible says to call those things that are not as though they were. It is important to not only envision that which you require, but to openly state your intentions. It isn’t “one day I hope to own my own home.” It is ‘One day I WILL own my own home.”

When you DECLARE it, and you make the decision to state it as fact, then so it shall become. If you deliver it, than it shall be delivered unto you as well!

When you speak life using the Word of the Lord, you are not speaking from your authority. You are speaking directly from the authority of God. His Word travels through you, unto the world. You are merely the messenger, He is the author.

It sounds so simple, but it is true: there is power in your words. Words can hurt, harm, and discourage. But words can also mend, heal, and encourage. It is all up to you. The saying “but words can never hurt me” isn’t true. The words that you tell yourself, and the words that you tell those around you can have a direct impact on your life. This can be both good and bad; it depends on your decisions. Speaking the Word of God is to make the decision for a positive impact.

  1. Are you speaking life or death on your situation?

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About this Plan

Speak Life

Life itself is composed of choices. The choices that we make can lead us down many different paths.  In order to follow the path that God has set out before us, it is important for us to speak life over death. Speaking the word of God can change a situation, problem, even a life. In his latest plan, David Villa shares how we can speak life over death.
