Ready. Set. Go! Share the Gospel!नमुना

Ready. Set. Go! Share the Gospel!

DAY 1 OF 7




Read today’s scripture references, then read and watch below.

Do you want to be ready to share the gospel anytime, anywhere, with anyone? Is it your heart’s desire to be the Spirit-filled ambassador of Christ that the Lord has called you to be? All of us have been charged with the assignment of sharing the gospel. We may struggle with this assignment because we lack the confidence, the passion, or even the know-how to do it. But if Christ is our Savior, then we are His and we have been called for this very purpose (1 Pet. 2:9-10). And if we have been called, He will equip us (Heb. 13:20-21) and will complete in us what He began (Phil. 1:6).

So we need to step forward by faith and obediently follow His command (Matt. 28:18-20) and by grace put all of our trust in the gospel—which is the power of God for salvation (Rom. 1:16).

We are called to pursue Christ and His righteousness and proclaim the gospel with our lips and with our lives. When we do God is pleased. But as much as God loves it when we do this, the enemy hates it, the flesh resists it, and the world is repulsed by it. So we must be ready to proclaim and ready to stand firm and fight.

Over the next few days, we are going to ask the Lord to speak to our hearts and open our ears to hear what he has to say to us. We want to have teachable hearts.

Let us ask the Lord to:

  • light a fire within our souls.
  • help us abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against our soul.
  • grant us the grace to keep our conduct honorable, so that no one can speak against us as evildoers.
  • help others see our good deeds and glorify God.
  • fix our eyes upon Him.
  • help us not give up!
दिवस 2

About this Plan

Ready. Set. Go! Share the Gospel!

Do you believe the gospel? Do you know the gospel? Do you feel prepared to share the gospel? This plan from Thistlebend helps us think through these things and gets us ready to share the gospel while trusting in God's power and love for the lost. Note: The video content is not a duplication of the written content.
