The Value Of Sexनमुना

The Value Of Sex

DAY 2 OF 5

We have trampled sex into the dirt. How? By having it for all the wrong reasons. Ask the one in three teens who have sex why they do it and they might say:

Everybody’s doing it!

It shows you’re a real man or woman.

If I get pregnant, I can just have an abortion.

Movies and music make sex seem cool.

My boyfriend/girlfriend pressured me to. 

If you love someone, you have sex with them.

Take a closer look at this list. None of these reasons have to do with real values. They’re all a response to pressure and lies.

Sex is too special to be ruined by pressure and lies. Our Creator wants us to see sex in a whole new way.

Sex and God are two words that hardly ever appear side by side. But they were never meant to be apart!

Sex is a gift from God. Let’s look at how He thinks sex should be enjoyed:

“That’s why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.” – Genesis 2:24,25, NIV

Sex is designed to happen between married people.

PRAYER: God, help me understand Your purpose for sex.

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About this Plan

The Value Of Sex

Sex. It's everywhere. We're bombarded with it everywhere we look. Yet, what is the value of sex? Unfortunately, it has become a cheap commodity and something that many struggle to truly understand the value of. Thankfully, God, through the Bible, has much to say on the topic of sex, it is not something He has been silent on, even if the Church is.
