Balance At Workनमुना

Balance At Work

DAY 2 OF 4

Conscious Priorities

Most of us are constantly navigating any number of competing demands at work. Just when we think we’ve got a handle on things, several more are thrown at us. While we may do our best to multi-task, if we’re honest, we can only do excellent work when we do one thing at a time. It may be difficult, but we have to prioritize. The problem is we often do it by default – squeaky wheel, anyone?

For Martha and Mary, there were two possibilities – serve the guests or listen to Jesus teach. The culture in that day taught that women should do the serving and men focus on learning. If Mary had followed the default, she would have joined Martha in the kitchen. Yet, when Jesus entered the home and sat down, Mary made an intentional choice to sit at his feet to listen to his teaching.

How did Mary find the wisdom to do what was clearly best in the eyes of the Lord, even though it was counter-cultural? It’s likely that she had an open mind and heart to all that Jesus taught whenever she was in his presence. As we spend time with Jesus in complete submission, it becomes easier and easier to know what is best in the moment. Then we can set our priorities accordingly. 

For Mary, Jesus’ influence was louder than that of her culture. She didn’t allow the perspectives of the day to overshadow what she knew was best. Her priority was the Lord. While Martha was very unhappy with her sister, Jesus commends Mary’s choice. Mary had her priorities straight.

Romans 12:2 tells us, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”  

What is God saying to you about your priorities? Take time to listen to Him for wisdom on what to put first.


Lord, work in my heart and transform my mind so that I know what your good and perfect will is. Give me the wisdom to choose what is pleasing to you in each moment. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Further Exploration

From the Theology of Work Project: How to Counter the Breathless Pace of Life.

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About this Plan

Balance At Work

The story of Martha and Mary holds important lessons for men and women of all walks of life about God’s design for balance. This 4-day plan will help you envision a life that’s balanced through faith.
