Matthew 3

John bapteezin. He speaks wiʼ unco plainness to the folk. Bapteezes the Son of Man.
1Noo, iʼ thae days, comes John the Baptist, preachinʼ iʼ the muirlands oʼ Judea.
2And quoʼ he, “Repent ye aʼ! for the kingdom oʼ Heeven is at haun!”
3For it is he wha was tellʼt oʼ by Esaiah the prophet, sayin, “The sough oʼ ane crying oot iʼ the waste, ‘Mak ye ready a gate for the Lord! Strauchten oot his fitpath!’ ”
4And John his sel had his cleedin oʼ camelʼs hair, and a belt oʼ a skin; and his meat was locusts and rock hinny.
5And thar war gangin oot till him Jerusalem and aʼ Judah, and the kintra‐side aboot Jordan;
6And war bapteezʼt by him in Jordan; confessin aʼ their sin.
7But whan he saw a hantle oʼ the Pharisees and Sadducees come till his bapteezin, quoʼ he to them, “Eh, ye venomous race! Wha has gien ye warninʼ to flee frae comin wrath?
8“Fesh than forth the frutes conform till repentance!
9“And say‐ye‐na to yersels, ‘We hae Abraʼm till oor faither!’ for say I tʼye, God coud raise up oot oʼ thir stanes, bairns to Abraʼm!
10“And noo is the aixe brocht to the rute oʼ the trees; and ilka tree bringin na forth gude frute is cuttit doon, and cuisten intil the burnin.
11“I, indeed, div in watir bapteeze ye intil repentance; but he wha follows me is sterker nor mysel; whase shoon Iʼse no fit to cairry; he sal bapteeze ye wiʼ Holie Spirit, and flaughts oʼ fire.
12“Whase fanner is in his neive, and heʼse#3:12 The Lord is unco lang‐sufferan; but wha lichtlies him will finʼ a time comin whan the Maister redds up his flair; and whatʼs cauff maun gang the gate oʼ the cauff — intil the lowe! scour‐oot his threshin‐flair, and gaither his wheat intil his girnal; but the cauff wull he burn in nevir‐endin lowe!”
13Than cam Jesus frae Galilee tae John, to be bapteezʼt oʼ him.
14Noo, John wad hae forbidden him; and quoʼ he, “I hae need oʼ thy bapteezin, and come ye to me?”
15But Jesus answerʼt him, and said, “Sae be it e noo; for sae it behoves us to fulfil aʼ richt‐gangin!” Than he contentit him.
16And Jesus, whan he was bapteezʼt, gaed up straucht frae the watir, and lo! the heevens war unsteekit till him, and he saw the Spirit oʼ God comin doon like a doo, and lichtin upon him.
17And tak tent! a voice oot oʼ the lift, sayin, “This is my Son, my Beloved, in wham I delicht!”

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Matthew 3: SCO1904


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