Matthew 2

The Wyss Men frae the East. To Egypt, and back again.
1Noo, whan Jesus was born iʼ Bethlehem‐Judah, iʼ the days oʼ King Herod, lo! Wyss Men cam frae the #2:1 The comin oʼ the Wyss Men wad be for some gude end. It wad pit gear in Josephʼs haun to gang till Egypt wiʼ; but muckle mair, it wad open the way iʼ the East for the Blythe‐Message, eftirhaun carryʼt by the Apostles.East tae Jerusalem.
2And quoʼ they, “Whaur is he bidin that is caʼd King oʼ the Jews? for iʼ the East we saw his starn, and are come forrit to worship him.”
3But the King, hearin, was sair putten‐about; and aʼ Jerusalem wiʼ him.
4And, gatherin aʼ the heigh‐priests and writers oʼ the nation, he wad ken oʼ them “whaur the Messiah soud be born?”
5And quoʼ they, “In Bethlehem‐Judah; for sae it is putten doon by the prophet:
6“ ‘And thou, Bethlehem, land oʼ Judah, nane the least amang Judahʼs princes! for oot oʼ thee sal come a Ruler, wha sal tend my folk oʼ Israʼl!’ ”
7Than, Herod, convenin the Wyss Men privately, faund oot mair strickly oʼ the comin oʼ the starn;
8And bad them gang to Bethlehem; and quoʼ he, “Gang, and seek ye oot the wee bairn; and whan ye ken, fesh me word again, that I as weel may come and worship.”
9Eftir hearin the King, they gaed awaʼ; and lo! the starn whilk they saw iʼ the East gaed on afore them, till it stood whaur the wee bairn was.
10And whan they saw the starn, they were blythe wiʼ unco blytheness.
11And comin intil the hoose, they saw the wee bairn, and his mither Mary; and loutin doon, worshippʼt him. And openinʼ oot their gear, they offerʼt till him gifts — gowd, and frankincense, and myrrh.
12And bein warned in a dream no to go back till Herod, they airtit their way to their ain kintra anither gate.
13Noo whan they had gane, tak tent! an Angel oʼ the Lord appearʼt to Joseph by a dream, and quoʼ he, “Rise, tak till ye the wee bairn, and his mither, and flee intil Egypt, and bide ye thar till I tell ye; for Herod seeks the wee bairn to destroy him.”
14And he, risin, took the wee bairn and his mither by nicht, and cam intil Egypt.
15And bade there till Herodʼs death: that it soud be fulfilled what was said by the Lord throwe the prophet, “Frae Egypt hae I caʼd my Son.”
16Than Herod, seein he was made sport oʼ by the Wyss Men, was unco furious, and sent oot to slay aʼ the lad‐bairns in Bethlehem, and aʼ the kintra‐side aboot, frae twa‐year auld doon: conform tae the time he had been tellʼt by the Wyss Men.
17Than cam to pass the sayin oʼ Jeremiah the prophet:
18“A voice was heard in Ramah, greetin and maenin, and murnin sair; Raʼhel greetin for her weans, and wadna be comfortit, for that they are‐na!”
19But Herod deein, look! an Angel oʼ the Lord by dream appears to Joseph in Egypt.
20And quoʼ he, “Rise! tak the wee bairn and his mither, and journey intil Israʼlʼs land; for they that socht the wee bairnʼs life are deid.”
21And he raise, and took till him the wee bairn and his mither, and cam intil the land oʼ Israʼl.
22But whan it was tellʼt him that Archelaus rang in Judea in the stead oʼ Herod his faither, he was fleyʼt to gang thar: but, being instruckit in a dream, he gaed intil the pairts oʼ Galilee:
23And cam and dwalt in a citie caʼd Nazareth; that it soud come to pass that was said by the prophet, “He will be caʼd a Nazarene.”

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Matthew 2: SCO1904


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