Малын тэвш рүү хийх аянЗагвар

Journey To The Manger

70-с 54 дахь өдөр

Not Just Another Baby

Just another baby would not have been preceded by hundreds of prophecies about His birth, life, and, death.

Just another baby would not have been conceived in the most miraculous way possible.

Just another baby would not have merited a birth announcement from the hosts of heaven. 

Just another baby would not have inspired shepherds to leave behind their sheep to find Him.

Just another baby would not have compelled wise men from the east to go on a quest to find Him.

Just another baby would not have made Simeon’s lifelong wait worthwhile or brought praise to the lips of Anna.

Just another baby would not have become a man who gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, freedom to the possessed, life to the dead, and forgiveness to the guilty.

Just another baby would not have become the Lamb of God who would willingly take away the sin of the world.

No, He was not just another baby. He was, is, and always will be Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Activity: Read the nativity story in the Gospel of Luke (1:26-2:21).


Ѳдѳр 53Ѳдѳр 55

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Journey To The Manger

2000 жилийн өмнө анир чимээгүй намуухан шөнө тэнгэрэлчүүд Аврагч төрсөн тухай мэдээг сүргээ хариулан явж буй хоньчдод хүргэв. Энэ мэдээг сонссоны дараа хоньчид бүх зүйлээ орхин Бетлехемд буй малын тэвшинд байгаа нярайг хайхаар явсан юм. Энэ олон жилийн дараа ч энэхүү урилга өөрчлөгдөөгүй. Доктор Чарльз Стэнли таныг Аврагчтай ойртоход туслах бөгөөд Эцэгийн хайранд амрах цаг гаргахыг уриалж байгаа тул та түүнтэй нэгдээрэй. 


Ин Точ Үйлчлэлд энэхүү төлөвлөгөөний төлөө талархмаар байна. Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг: https://intouch.cc/yv18-с үзнэ үү