Shouts of GraceЗагвар

Shouts of Grace

26-с 2 дахь өдөр

Shouts of Grace

In any endeavor for the Lord, we have to be aware that we are not able to do what God is calling us to without His divine supply. The Bible calls this divine supply grace. This word grace has been celebrated for centuries as what we are saved by. Along with the celebration came the standard definition of grace: unmerited favor. It is unmerited because we didn’t do anything to earn it or deserve it, and it is favor because God is granting us something we desperately need.

But as we look at grace, we find out it is so much more. The Bible speaks of the multifaceted grace of God. Just like a diamond that sparkles and has many colors, grace in the Bible has many different expressions. Grace empowers us to do what we couldn’t do on our own. It is God’s sovereign, divine ability to get the job done on our behalf when we can’t do it ourselves. It is God’s power in us to do what His truth demands of us. Simply put, it is the empowerment of God for our lives.

This divine supply keeps us dependent on God. We are reminded that God opposes us when we are proud and think we can do life on our own, but He gives us grace, power and ability when we depend on Him in humility. This is why the Apostle Paul stated that when he was weak, that is when he was strong. In his dependency on God for strength, God imparted His grace to do what Paul couldn’t do on his own. Paul went through persecutions, beatings, imprisonment and even shipwrecks. Even though all these things happened to him, he was still able to plant churches and strengthen believers in his writings. Two-thirds of the books of the New Testament we read were written by Paul. What amazing grace!

Throughout your life, you will be confronted with challenges that are outside of your ability. This is where you can cling to God and ask for His grace to help. Throughout this devotional, you will find many facets of God’s grace for your life. The grace of God takes many forms. It may be through the wisdom God gives, through the strength He imparts, through the comfort He brings or so many other ways. What a joy to know that we can face any challenges that life may bring by the grace of God. In the coming days, make sure to confess your weakness and depend on God. Ask for His Divine supply of grace!

- Senior Pastor Dan Roth

Prayer Confession

Father God, I confess that I am not able to do life in my own strength. I need Your divine supply. Please empower me with grace to live the life You have for me. I humbly ask in Jesus' name, amen.

Journal Directions

  1. In what areas of your life do you need God’s grace (divine supply)?
  2. Are there areas that you are holding on to in pride where you need to humble yourself in order to allow God’s grace to be released?
  3. Since you know that God is willing to give you His divine supply of grace, what do you want to accomplish? Take some time to ask God for His divine supply to accomplish those things.