Shouts of GraceЗагвар

Shouts of Grace

26-с 6 дахь өдөр

Grace for Capacity

Years ago, as a young father, I was faced with one of my biggest tests of faith. I had been laid off from my job a week before Christmas. Immediately it was time to find a new job. I was called into an interview for a tool and die company. I didn’t know exactly what position was open; I just needed a job. The interview was a bit informal as management was impressed by that fact that I even knew what a steel-rule-die was. Just as they were about to offer me a job as a delivery driver, the supervisor from the laser department walked in to express his desperate need for a laser operator. They agreed that I would be the new laser operator if I felt I could do it.

Well, I didn’t even know what a laser cutting machine was, much less how to operate one. I just knew that I had a wife and seven children at home and I needed a job. That position would meet my financial needs. The supervisor took me into the laser room, introduced me to the current operator, and said, "Welcome to the company!" I remember thinking to myself, “There is no way I can learn this.”

The agreement was that I would have a month of training during the day, then I would be the night operator. But after the first week, the volume was too high, and they needed me to start nights immediately to keep up with the workload. That was on a Friday, end of shift. I got in my car to head home for the day, and I said “Lord, please give me the capacity to learn and retain the knowledge to operate all three machines to keep this job. Please help me.”

The next morning Deuteronomy 8:18 came to mind: "Remember the Lord your God. He is the one who gives you power to be successful…" I was reminded by the Holy Spirit that the Lord provides the skill and wisdom for every task. I was tasked with being a husband and father and called to provide for their spiritual and physical needs, and I was given the capacity to grow in my ability to provide. As long as I remained in Christ, He would provide for me.

In Exodus 31, God gave instructions to Moses about the tabernacle He wanted built. In verse 3, God said that He had provided the wisdom and ability through Bezaleel to accomplish His will.

- Jackie Moore


Heavenly Father, I desire to do your will but at times I am concerned about my capacity, or lack of it. Please help us to see your limitless wisdom and the abilities that You provide for Your call. Give me the capacity to learn and handle more the I thought possible for me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

Journal Directions

  1. Name one of the things that God has asked you to do that you are not comfortable with.
  2. What wisdom or skill do you lack for the task?
  3. How will you begin to trust that God will provide for your success in His call?
