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Don’t Walk Alone; Call a Friend

Hello, dear friend! Welcome again to A Miracle Every Day.

My friend and co-writer, Déborah Rosenkranz about to offer our readers an Audio Guide on a topic we shared—depression. Deborah and I are both so excited to find hope with you on this journey. In my story, one of my biggest struggles was with the stigma of depression. In the world, depression is seen as weakness, and I truthfully didn’t want to be seen as weak. I was a leader, and leaders aren’t allowed to be weak, or so I thought. The world has a picture of depression, but here is the sad part: in the church, depression is seen as a lack of faith. I kept thinking, “Come on Grant, have more faith, believe harder, pray more, fake it till you make it!” I was stuck because I would never want to be seen as weak, and pastors aren’t allowed to struggle with faith, or anything else. I bought the stigma and believed the lie that I am alone in this struggle. Once again, I started searching God’s Word and found out this belief was a lie, not the truth.

Moses was a powerful leader. He had seen many miracles and yet, this is where he eventually got to with God… “I cannot carry all these people by myself, the burden is too heavy for me. If this is how you are going to treat me, put me to death right now—if I have found no favor in your eyes—and do not let me face my own ruin.” (Number 11:14-15, NIV)

Moses could have pulled away, but instead, he surrounded himself with other people who could help bear the burden, and that is what I did as well. In my struggle, I refused to isolate myself! I wanted to be alone but I was warned by the example of another Old Testament friend, Elijah, who did it the wrong way! I Kings 19:3 says, “Elijah was afraidand ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there” (I Kings 19:3, NIV)

Did you see it? He went alone. Instead of inviting a friend to come along, he went alone. My friend, the enemy wants you alone in your despair so that his voice is the only one you hear. Don’t take the bait. Instead of pulling away, push in. Refuse to be alone! Being alone with Jesus is great, but don’t forget God is always pushing us into human community. Staying surrounded by people who love you is so important for God’s love to be fully known.

If depression is a struggle, don’t walk alone. My friend, if depression is not your struggle, could God be calling you to be the friend who walks with the one who needs you?

Let’s pray, “Dear Jesus, help us as we walk out our journey. Help us to open our hearts to those You have appointed to walk with us on our journey. Lord, for those of us who struggle with depression, we know that only Your joy is the answer, and Your promises are our hope. We pray for the miracle of joy today! Amen.”

You are a miracle!


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