The Prince of Peace Has ComeЗагвар

The Prince of Peace Has Come

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Proclaimers of Peace

My friend, the Prince of Peace comes to you. He is restoring, comforting, assuring, guiding, forgiving, healing and blessing your life. You are valuable to God. He sees and cares for you. His eternal plan is to restore you and to give you a life of abundant grace, peace, and joy. He did not promise there would not be trouble. He promised that we would have lasting peace.

The very first thing Jesus said to His disciples after rising from the dead was “Peace be with you” (John 20:19). Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He told His disciples He was sending them out, just as His Father had sent Him. And He told them they would receive the Holy Spirit. Jesus had told them that the Holy Spirit, whom the Father would send, would teach the disciples and remind them of everything Jesus had told them.

From this day on, with the Holy Spirit’s help, you can develop a confident and consistent faith that produces balanced and successful Christian living. You can discover your own unique identity and begin to fulfill God’s purpose for you. Jesus Christ offers hope, dignity and esteem to all who come to Him. The Bible says that those who love His law have great peace, and nothing can make them stumble.

You can live the lifestyle of peace. You can also be a peacemaker! You can be a voice of hope to people all around you who do not know the peace that you have received. Be the voice that cries in the wilderness, encouraging people to get ready and prepare the way of the Lord. Peace can come to them, too!

As we stand before multitudes of needy people, our gaze is fixed on the Person of Jesus Christ. It is His life that is expressed through us. His ministry continues through us. His words are what we declare. His love is our motivation. His passion is our mission. We are ambassadors of the Prince of Peace. We are His instruments to bring peace to the world. Only the gospel of Christ produces enduring change in human lives. He is the Prince of Peace, and His kingdom will last forever.

This devotional plan was based on the fourth and final chapter of the book Peace Is a Lifestyle, which is part of the Sermon-in-Print Series. To learn more about LaDonna C. Osborn’s ministry, please click here.

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